Welcome to Shoji Makino's Home Page

Last update: 2024/6/6

<Personal Info>

Last Name: Makino
First Name: Shoji

<Office 1>

Waseda University
2-7 Hibikino, Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 808-0135 Japan
Tel: +81-93-692-5347
E-mail: [email protected]

Multimedia Laboratory [panphlet]


Google Scholar Citation: 12,527
h-index: 55

2024/ 1/ 1 Nominations and Appointments Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
2022/ 6/ 9 Honorary Member Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers received.
2022/01/01 IEEE Signal Processing Society Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award received..
2018/10/ 9 Hoko Award of the Hattori Hokokai Foundation received.
2018/ 6/ 7 Outstanding Contribution Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers received.
2018/ 1/ 1 Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
2018/ 1/ 1 Fellow Evaluation Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
2017/ 6/ 1 Achievement Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers received.
2015/10/ 1 Medal Committee Member of the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal.
2015/ 4/21 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award received.
2015/ 4/15 The Achievement Award for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology received.
2013/ 1/ 1 Chair of the Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
2012/ 6/27 Strategic Information and Communications R&D Promotion Programme (SCOPE) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC).
2011/ 4/30 Award Committee Member of the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award.
2010/12/31 Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.


Shoji Makino was born in Nikko, Japan, on June 4, 1956. He received his B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 1979, 1981, and 1993, respectively.

He joined the Electrical Communication Laboratory of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan in 1981. He was a Guest Professor at Hokkaido University, Japan (2004-08) and University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (2008-09). He joined University of Tsukuba, Japan in 2009. He was also a Visiting Researcher at the Riken Brain Science Institute, Japan (2013-17) and a Guest Professor at National Institute of Informatics, Japan (2014-17). He is now a professor at Waseda University, Japan (2021-). His research interests include adaptive filtering technologies, realization of acoustic echo cancellation, blind source separation of convolutive mixtures of speech, and acoustic signal processing for speech and audio applications.

He received the IEEE Signal Processing Society Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award in 2022, the ICA Unsupervised Learning Pioneer Award in 2006, the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award in 2014, the IEEE MLSP Competition Award in 2007, the Achievement Award for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2015, the Hoko Award of the Hattori Hokokai Foundation in 2018, the Honorary Member Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers in 2022, the Distinguished Contributions Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers in 2018, the Technical Achievement Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers in 2017 and 1997, and the Outstanding Technological Development Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan in 1995, the Paper Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers in 2005 and 2002, the Paper Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan in 2005 and 2002, the TELECOM System Technology Award of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation in 2015 and 2004, the Best Paper Award of the International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control in 2003, and the Best Presentation Award at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium in 2006. He also received the IEEE Signal Processing Society Outstanding Service Award in 2014, IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter Leadership Award in 2018, and IEEE Signal Processing Society Notable Services and Contributions Award in 2019. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 articles in journals and conference proceedings and is responsible for more than 150 patents. He is a Keynote Speaker at ICA2007, Plenary Speaker at CAMSAP2009, SPSIV2010, and IWAENC1999, a Tutorial speaker at EMBC2013, INTERSPEECH2011, and ICASSP2007, and a Panelist at HSCMA2008 and HSCMA2005.

He has served on IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors (2018-20), Technical Directions Board (2013-14), Awards Board (2006-08), Conference Board (2002-04), TC Review Committee (2019-20), Long-Range Planning and Implementation Committee (2018-20), Nominations and Appointments Committee (2024-25), and Fellow Evaluation Committee (2018-20). He was a member of the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal Committee (2015-18) and the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award Committee (2008-11). He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing (2002-05) and an Associate Editor of the EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (2005-12). He was a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2013-15), a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (2011-2012), a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (2005-07), a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I (2008-10), and a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Computers (2006-07). He was the Chair of the Technical Committee on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2013-14) and the Chair of the Technical Committee on Blind Signal Processing of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2009-2010). He was the Chair of the Fellow Subcommittee (2012-2017) and the Chair of the Nominations and Elections Subcommittee (2016-2017) of the AASP TC of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He is also a member of the Special Area Team on Acoustic, Speech and Music Signal Processing of the EURASIP (2019-), a member of the Awards Subcommittee of the Special Area Team on Acoustic, Speech and Music Signal Processing of the EURASIP (2021-). He is a Member of the Board of Governors (2023-), a Member of the Institutional Relations and Education Board (2023-), a member of the Technical Committee on Speech, Language, and Audio (2010-16), and Signal and Information Processing Theory and Methods (2018-) of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association. He is a member of the International IWAENC Standing committee and a member of the International ICA Steering Committee. He was the Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter (2017-18). He was the President of the Acoustics and Ultrasonics Subsociety of the Engineering Sciences Society of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2007-2008), the Vice President of the Engineering Sciences Society of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2007-08), and the Chair of the Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2006-08). He was the Chief Guest Editor (2007-2009 and 2006-2008) and a Guest Editor (2002-2003 and 1990-1992) of the Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers. He was the Chair of the Publication Board (2013-14), a Member of the Board of Directors (2005-06), a Member of the Conference Board (1995-1997), and an Associate Editor (2001-2005) of the Acoustical Society of Japan. He was the General Chair of the 2018 International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, the General Chair of the 2007 IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, the General Chair of the 2003 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, the Organizing Chair of the 2003 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, the Co-Organizer of the 2008 Workshop on Statistical and Perceptual Audition, the Plenary Chair of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, the Program Chair of the 2004 Workshop on Communication Scene Analysis, the Program Committee Chair of the 2006 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, the Technical Co-Chair of the 2008 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, the Special Sessions Chair of the 2015 International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. He has served on the Organizing Committee of IWAENC2022, WASPAA2021, GlobalSIP Symposia2014, WASPAA2009, SAPA2008, ASA/ASJ Joint Meeting 2006, WASPAA2005, JCA2002. He was the Special Session Organizer at APSIPA2021, EUSIPCO2021, APSIPA2020, EUSIPCO2020, APSIPA2019, EUSIPCO2019, APSIPA2018, EUSIPCO2018, APSIPA2017, EUSIPCO2017, APSIPA2016, APSIPA2015, EUSIPCO2015, APSIPA2014, APSIPA2013, EUSIPCO2013, APSIPA2012, HSCMA2008, ISCAS2007, ASA/ASJ Joint Meeting 2006, Asilomar2006, EUSIPCO2006, ICASSP2006, ICA2006, ICASSP2004, ICA (International Congress on Acoustics) 2004. He has served on the Technical Program Committee of EUSIPCO2021 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2020 (Area Chair), CAMSAP2019, EUSIPCO2019 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2018 (Area Chair), ICASSP2018 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2017 (Area Chair), ICASSP2017 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2016, ICASSP2016 (Area Chair), IWAENC2016, WASPAA2015, EUSIPCO2015 (Area Chair), ICASSP2015 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2014 (Area Chair), ICASSP2014 (Area Chair), IWAENC2014, HSCMA2014, EUSIPCO2013 (Area Chair), ICASSP2013 (Area Chair), IWAENC2012, HSCMA2011, EUSIPCO2011, APSIPA2010, IWAENC2010, ISCAS2010 (Track Chair), EUSIPCO2009, ISCAS2009 (Track Chair), ISCAS2008, IWAENC2008, ISCAS2007, ASA/ASJ Joint Meeting 2006, EUSIPCO2006, IWAENC2006, ISCAS2006, ICA2006, IWAENC2005, ISCAS2005, ICA (International Congress on Acoustics) 2004, SAPA2004, NNSP2003, WASPAA2003, NNSP2002, IWAENC2001, IWAENC1999.

Dr. Makino is an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer (2009-10), an IEEE Life Fellow, an IEICE Fellow, a Board member of the ASJ, and a member of EURASIP and ISCA.


1993: Ph. D., Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
1981: M. E., Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
1979: B. E., Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.


2021 Professor at Waseda University, Japan.
2009-2021 Professor at the University of Tsukuba, Japan.
2014-2017 Guest Professor at National Institute of Informatics, Japan
2013-2017 Visiting Researcher at the Riken Brain Science Institute, Japan
2008-2009 Guest Professor at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
2008-2009 Senior Research Scientist, Supervisor at the NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan.
2006-2007 Part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Japan.
2004-2008 Guest Professor at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
2004-2007 Part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of Technology, Japan.
2003-2008 Executive Manager at the Media Information Laboratory of the NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan.
2000-2003 Senior Research Scientist, Supervisor, Group Leader at the Speech Open Laboratory of the NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan.
1999-2000 Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor, Group Leader at the Multimedia Electronics Laboratory of the NTT Lifestyle and Environmental Technology Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan.
1996-1998 Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor at the Strategic Planning of the NTT Multi-Media System Laboratory Group, Yokosuka, Japan.
1987-1996 Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor at the Speech and Acoustics Laboratory of the NTT Human Interface Laboratories, Musashino, Japan.
1981-1987 Research Engineer at the NTT Electrical Communication Laboratory, Yokosuka, Japan.

<Academic Activities>

  1. IEEE Life Fellow (2023-)
  2. Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2009-2010)
  3. IEEE Fellow (2004-22)
  4. Member of the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal Committee (2015-2018)
  5. Member of the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award Committee (2008-2011)
  6. Member of the Fellow Evaluation Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2018-20)
  7. Member of the Nominations and Appointments Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2024-25)
  8. Member of the Awards Board of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2006-2008)
  9. Member of the Awards Committee of the IEEE Japan Council (2009-2011)
  10. Member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2018-20)
  11. Member of the Long-Range Planning and Implementation Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2018-20)
  12. Member of the TC Review Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2019-20)
  13. Member of the Technical Directions Board of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2013-2014)
  14. Member of the Conference Board of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2002-2004)
  15. Member of the Board of Governors of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (2023-)
  16. Member of the Institutional Relations and Education Board of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (2023-)
  17. Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing (2002-2005)
  18. Associate Editor of the EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (2005-2012)
  19. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2013-2015)
  20. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (2005-2007)
  21. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I (2008-2010)
  22. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Computers (2006-2007)
  23. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing (2023-2024)
  24. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (2011-2012)
  25. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing (2022-2023)
  26. Chair of the Technical Committee on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2013-2014)
  27. Chair of the Technical Committee on Blind Signal Processing of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2009-2010)
  28. Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter (2017-2018)
  29. Chair of the Nominations and Elections Subcommittee of the AASP TC of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2016-2017)
  30. Chair of the Fellow Subcommittee of the AASP TC of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2012-2017)
  31. Past Chair of the Technical Committee on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2015)
  32. Vice Chair of the Technical Committee on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2011-2012)
  33. Chair-Elect of the Technical Committee on Blind Signal Processing of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2007-2008)
  34. Vice Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter (2015-2016)
  35. Vice Chair of the Nominations and Elections Subcommittee of the AASP TC of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2015)
  36. IEEE Senior Member (1999-2003)
  37. Member of the Technical Committee on Audio and Electroacoustics of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (1990-2010)
  38. Member of the Technical Committee on Blind Signal Processing of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2004-2006)
  39. Member of the Special Area Team on Acoustic, Speech and Music Signal Processing of the EURASIP (2019-)
  40. Member of the Technical Committee on Signal and Information Processing Theory and Methods of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (2018-)
  41. Member of the Technical Committee on Speech, Language, and Audio of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (2010-2016)
  42. Member of the Awards Subcommittee of the Special Area Team on Acoustic, Speech and Music Signal Processing of the EURASIP (2021-)
  43. Member of the International ICA Steering Committee (2003-)
  44. Member of the International IWAENC Standing Committee (1999-)
  45. Member of the Advisory Board of the European project Embedded Audition for Robots (2013-)
  46. Member of the International Advisory Panel for ICA Research Network (2006-)
  47. Keynote Speaker at the 2007 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation
  48. Plenary Speaker at the 2009 IEEE Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Channel Sensor Array Processing
  49. Plenary Speaker at the 2010 IEEE Signal Processing Symposium, Image and Vision
  50. Plenary Speaker at the 1999 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  51. Tutorial Speaker at the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
  52. Tutorial Speaker at the 2011 Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association
  53. Tutorial Speaker at the 2013 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
  54. Panelist at the 2008 Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays
  55. Panelist at the 2005 Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays
  56. General Chair of the 2018 International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement
  57. General Chair of the 2007 IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
  58. General Chair of the 2003 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  59. Organizing Chair of the 2003 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation
  60. Special Sessions Chair of the 2015 International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA)
  61. Plenary Chair of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
  62. Co-Organizer of the 2008 Workshop on Statistical and Perceptual Audition
  63. Technical Co-Chair of the 2008 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays
  64. Program Committee Co-Chair of the 2006 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation
  65. Program Chair of the 2004 Workshop on Communication Scene Analysis
  66. Area Chair of the 2024 European Signal Processing Conference
  67. Area Chair of the 2023 European Signal Processing Conference
  68. Area Chair of the 2022 European Signal Processing Conference
  69. Area Chair of the 2021 European Signal Processing Conference
  70. Area Chair of the 2020 European Signal Processing Conference
  71. Area Chair of the 2019 European Signal Processing Conference
  72. Area Chair of the 2018 European Signal Processing Conference
  73. Area Chair of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
  74. Area Chair of the 2017 European Signal Processing Conference
  75. Area Chair of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
  76. Area Chair of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
  77. Area Chair of the 2015 European Signal Processing Conference
  78. Area Chair of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
  79. Area Chair of the 2014 European Signal Processing Conference
  80. Area Chair of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
  81. Area Chair of the 2013 European Signal Processing Conference
  82. Area Chair of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
  83. Track Chair of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
  84. Track Chair of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
  85. Special Session Organizer at the 2024 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA)
  86. Special Session Organizer at the 2024 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
  87. Special Session Organizer at the 2023 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA)
  88. Special Session Organizer at the 2023 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
  89. Special Session Organizer at the 2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA)
  90. Special Session Organizer at the 2022 International Congress on Acoustics (ICA)
  91. Special Session Organizer at the 2022 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
  92. Special Session Organizer at the 2021 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  93. Special Session Organizer at the 2021 European Signal Processing Conference
  94. Special Session Organizer at the 2020 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  95. Special Session Organizer at the 2020 European Signal Processing Conference
  96. Special Session Organizer at the 2019 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  97. Special Session Organizer at the 2019 European Signal Processing Conference
  98. Special Session Organizer at the 2018 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  99. Special Session Organizer at the 2018 European Signal Processing Conference
  100. Special Session Organizer at the 2017 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  101. Special Session Organizer at the 2017 European Signal Processing Conference
  102. Special Session Organizer at the 2016 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  103. Special Session Organizer at the 2015 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  104. Special Session Organizer at the 2015 European Signal Processing Conference
  105. Special Session Organizer at the 2014 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  106. Special Session Organizer at the 2013 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  107. Special Session Organizer at the 2013 European Signal Processing Conference
  108. Special Session Organizer at the 2012 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference
  109. Special Session Organizer at the 2008 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays
  110. Special Session Organizer at the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
  111. Special Session Organizer at the 2006 Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan
  112. Special Session Organizer at the 2006 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers
  113. Special Session Organizer at the 2006 European Signal Processing Conference
  114. Special Session Organizer at the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
  115. Special Session Organizer at the 2006 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation
  116. Special Session Organizer at the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
  117. Special Session Organizer at the 2004 International Congress on Acoustics
  118. Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2022 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  119. Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
  120. Member of the Organizing Committee of the Symposia at the 2014 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing
  121. Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
  122. Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2006 Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan
  123. Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
  124. Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2002 China-Japan Joint Conference on Acoustics
  125. Member of the Review Committee of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
  126. Member of the Review Committee of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
  127. Member of the Review Committee of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
  128. Member of the Review Committee of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
  129. Member of the Program Committee of the 2015 AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology
  130. Member of the International Program Committee of the 2006 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation
  131. Member of the Program Committee of the 2004 International Congress on Acoustics
  132. Member of the Program Committee of the 2003 IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
  133. Member of the Program Committee of the 2003 IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing
  134. Member of the Program Committee of the 2002 IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing
  135. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP)
  136. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2018 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  137. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2016 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  138. Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 2016 European Signal Processing Conference
  139. Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
  140. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2014 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  141. Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 2014 Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays
  142. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2012 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  143. Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 2011 European Signal Processing Conference
  144. Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 2011 Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays
  145. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2010 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Conference
  146. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2010 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  147. Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 2009 European Signal Processing Conference
  148. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2008 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  149. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2006 Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan
  150. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2006 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  151. Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 2006 European Signal Processing Conference
  152. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2005 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  153. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2004 Workshop on Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing
  154. Member of the Technical Committee of the 2001 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  155. Member of the Technical Committee of the 1999 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  156. Member of the Research Fellow Evaluation Committee of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (2023-2024)
  157. Member of the International Research Evaluation Committee of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (2023-2024)
  158. Member of the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Sub-Committee of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (2019)
  159. Member of the Research Fellow Evaluation Committee of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (2018-2019)
  160. Member of the International Research Evaluation Committee of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (2018-2019)
  161. Member of the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Sub-Committee of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (2013-2015)
  162. Member of the Fellow Committee of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2009-2010)
  163. Chair of the ASJ Itakura Prize Innovative Young Researcher Award Committee (2014)
  164. Member of the IEICE Best Paper Award Committee (2008)
  165. Member of the ASJ Sato Prize Paper Award Committee (2001-2005)
  166. Member of the ASJ Awaya Prize Young Researcher Award Committee (2006-2007)
  167. IEICE Fellow (2007-)
  168. Vice President of the Engineering Sciences Society of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2007-2008)
  169. President of the Acoustics and Ultrasonics Subsociety of the Engineering Sciences Society of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2007-2008)
  170. Advisor of the Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2014-)
  171. Chair of the Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2006-2008)
  172. Vice Chair of the Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2001-2003)
  173. Secretary of the Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (1990-1992)
  174. Member of the Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2003-2005)
  175. Member of the Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (1992-2001)
  176. Chief Guest Editor of the Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2007-2009)
  177. Chief Guest Editor of the Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2006-2008)
  178. Guest Editor of the Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2002-2003)
  179. Guest Editor of the Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (1990-1992)
  180. Chair of the Publication Board of the Acoustical Society of Japan (2013-2014)
  181. Member of the Board of Directors of the Acoustical Society of Japan (2005-)
  182. Council Member of the Acoustical Society of Japan (2003-)
  183. Member of the Conference Board of the Acoustical Society of Japan (1995-1997)
  184. Chief Guest Editor of the Acoustical Society of Japan (2011-2012)
  185. Associate Editor of the Acoustical Society of Japan (2001-2005)
  186. Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (1989-)
  187. Member of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) (2000-)
  188. Member of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) (2004-)
  189. Member of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) (2010-)
  190. Member of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE) (1988-)
  191. Member of the Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ) (1983-)


  1. 2009 Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
  2. 2004 IEEE Fellow
  3. 2007 IEICE Fellow
  4. 2022 IEEE Signal Processing Society Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award
  5. 2006 ICA Unsupervised Learning Pioneer Award
  6. 2007 IEEE MLSP Competition Award
  7. 2014 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award
  8. 2003 Best Paper Award of the International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
  9. 2006 Best Presentation Award at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium
  10. 2022 Honorary Member Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers
  11. 2018 Hoko Award of the Hattori Hokokai Foundation
  12. 2018 Distinguished Contributions Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers
  13. 2015 Achievement Award for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  14. 2017 Technical Achievement Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers
  15. 1997 Technical Achievement Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers
  16. 1995 Outstanding Technological Development Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan
  17. 2015 TELECOM System Technology Award of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation
  18. 2004 TELECOM System Technology Award of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation
  19. 2005 Paper Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers
  20. 2002 Paper Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers
  21. 2018 Paper Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan
  22. 2005 Paper Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan
  23. 2002 Paper Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan
  24. 2019 IEEE Signal Processing Society Notable Services and Contributions Award
  25. 2018 IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter Leadership Award
  26. 2014 IEEE Signal Processing Society Outstanding Service Award
  27. 1999 IEEE Senior Member
  28. 2022 Teaching Award of the Waseda University
  29. 2016 Best Faculty Member Award of the University of Tsukuba
  30. 2015 President Award of the University of Tsukuba
  31. 2014 Education Award of the Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba
  32. 2014 Research Activity Award of the University of Tsukuba
  33. 1995 President Award of NTT
  34. 2002 Patent Award of NTT
  35. 1998 Patent Award of NTT

<Awards by Students>

  1. 2019. 4 Research Fellowship DC1 of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), K. Yamaoka
  2. 2018. 4 Research Fellowship DC1 of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), L. Li
  3. 2024.3 Itakura Prize Innovative Young Researcher Award of the ASJ, L. Li
  4. 2023.3 TELECOM System Technology Student Award of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, K. Yamaoka
  5. 2020.12 Student Conference Paper Award of the IEEE SPS Japan, L. Li
  6. 2019.12 Student Conference Paper Award of the IEEE SPS Japan, K. Yamaoka
  7. 2022.11 Student Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Tokyo Joint Chapter, T. Ueda
  8. 2018.11 Student Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Tokyo Joint Chapter, L. Li
  9. 2022. 3 Awaya Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan, L. Li
  10. 2013. 3 Awaya Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan, S. Miyabe
  11. 2023. 3 Student Paper Award at NCSP2023, M. Qin
  12. 2023. 3 Student Paper Award at NCSP2023, S. Yuan
  13. 2021. 3 Student Paper Award at NCSP2021, N. Murashima
  14. 2018. 3 Student Paper Award at NCSP2018, M. Takakusaki
  15. 2018. 3 Student Paper Award at NCSP2018, G. Takahashi
  16. 2017. 7 Student Paper Competition Open Finalist at EMBC2017, T. Kodama
  17. 2015. 9 Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health, D. Aminaka
  18. 2021. 3 Best Presentation Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan, S. Inoue
  19. 2021. 3 Best Presentation Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan, N. Murashima
  20. 2018. 9 Best Presentation Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan, K. Yamaoka
  21. 2015. 3 Best Presentation Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan, H. Chiba
  22. 2015. 3 Best Presentation Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Y. Murase
  23. 2012. 9 Best Presentation Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Y. Sugimoto
  24. 2019.12 Student Research Encouraging Award of the IEICE Engineering Acoustics Committee, L. Li
  25. 2022. 6 Student Poster Award of the IEICE Speech Committee, S. Ichikawa
  26. 2019. 3 Student Poster Award of the IEICE Speech Committee, K. Yamaoka
  27. 2015. 2 Best Poster Award at the AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology, T. Kodama
  28. 2014. 9 Best Paper Award at the Innovations in Information and Communication Science and Technology Workshop, M. Chang
  29. 2014. 9 Annual BCI Research Award, H. Mori
  30. 2012. 6 Poster Award of the International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing, N. Nishikawa
  31. 2023. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, K. Goto
  32. 2023. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, H. Segawa
  33. 2022. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, S. Nakaoka
  34. 2021. 5 Scholarship Full Exemption of JASSO, M. Une
  35. 2021. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, S. Inoue
  36. 2020. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, R. Jinzai
  37. 2019. 5 Scholarship Full Exemption of JASSO, K. Yamaoka
  38. 2019. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, Y. Matsui
  39. 2019. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, S. Amada
  40. 2018. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, N. Mae
  41. 2018. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, M. Takakusaki
  42. 2018. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, G. Takahashi
  43. 2017. 5 Scholarship Full Exemption of JASSO, T. Kodama
  44. 2017. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, M. Ishimura
  45. 2017. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, K. Shimizu
  46. 2016. 5 Scholarship Full Exemption of JASSO, D. Aminaka
  47. 2016. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, Y. Murase
  48. 2016. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, T. Toyoda
  49. 2016. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, C. Nakaizumi
  50. 2016. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, H. Yajima
  51. 2015. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, H. Chiba
  52. 2015. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, H. Mori
  53. 2015. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, K. Tsuzuki
  54. 2014. 5 Scholarship Full Exemption of JASSO, N. Nishikawa
  55. 2014. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, R. Sakanashi
  56. 2012. 5 Scholarship Half Exemption of JASSO, K. Takeda
  57. 2023. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, K. Goto
  58. 2023. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, H. Segawa
  59. 2022. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, T. Ueda
  60. 2022. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, S. Nakaoka
  61. 2021. 3 President Award of University of Tsukuba, L. Li
  62. 2021. 3 Provost Award of the Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, M. Une
  63. 2021. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, S. Inoue
  64. 2021. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, R. Takahashi
  65. 2021. 3 Provost Award of the School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba, K. Goto
  66. 2021. 3 Provost Award of the School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba, H. Segawa
  67. 2020. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, R. Jinzai
  68. 2020. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, J. Santoso
  69. 2020. 3 Shinseikai Award of the College of Information Science, University of Tsukuba, T. Ueda
  70. 2019. 3 Provost Award of the Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, K. Yamaoka
  71. 2019. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Y. Matsui
  72. 2019. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, S. Amada
  73. 2019. 3 Provost Award of the School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba, S. Inoue
  74. 2018. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, L. Li
  75. 2018. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, G. Takahashi
  76. 2017. 3 Provost Award of the Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, T. Kodama
  77. 2017. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, M. Ishimura
  78. 2017. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, K. Shimizu
  79. 2017. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, N. Mae
  80. 2017. 3 Provost Award of the School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba, K. Yamaoka
  81. 2017. 3 Provost Award of the School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba, Y. Matsui
  82. 2016. 3 Provost Award of the Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, D. Aminaka
  83. 2016. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Y. Murase
  84. 2016. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, C. Nakaizumi
  85. 2016. 3 Provost Award of the School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba, M. Takakusaki
  86. 2015. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, H. Chiba
  87. 2015. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, H. Mori
  88. 2015. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, M. Chang
  89. 2015. 3 Provost Award of the School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba, K. Shimizu
  90. 2015. 3 Shinseikai Award of the College of Information Science, University of Tsukuba, J. Endo
  91. 2014. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, H. Mori
  92. 2014. 3 Provost Award of the School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba, C. Nakaizumi
  93. 2014. 3 Meikeikai Award, University of Tsukuba, S. Kono
  94. 2013. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, N. Nishikawa
  95. 2013. 3 Chair Award of the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, H. Yamada
  96. 2013. 3 Provost Award of the School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba, M. Chang
  97. 2012. 3 Dean Award of the College of Information Science, University of Tsukuba, Y. Yamahata
  98. 2012. 3 Shinseikai Award of the College of Information Science, University of Tsukuba, Y. Matsumoto
  99. 2011. 3 Shinseikai Award of the College of Information Science, University of Tsukuba, Y. Fujita
  100. 2023.10 Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences of the NEC C&C Foundation, S. Furunaga
  101. 2023. 9 Overseas Travel Grant of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, T. Ueda
  102. 2019.11 Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences of the NEC C&C Foundation, M. Une
  103. 2019. 5 Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences of the NEC C&C Foundation, S. Inoue
  104. 2019. 5 Overseas Travel Grant of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, L. Li
  105. 2017.12 Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences of the NEC C&C Foundation, K. Yamaoka
  106. 2016.12 Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences of the NEC C&C Foundation, N. Mae
  107. 2016.12 Overseas Travel Grant of the Hara Research Foundation, T. Kodama
  108. 2015. 8 Overseas Travel Grant of the International Information Science Foundation, C. Nakaizumi
  109. 2014.12 Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences of the NEC C&C Foundation, Y. Murase
  110. 2013.10 Overseas Travel Grant of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, Y. Sugimoto
  111. 2013. 9 Overseas Travel Grant of the International Information Science Foundation, H. Katahira
  112. 2013. 6 Stipend from NSF (National Science Foundation), M. Chang
  113. 2013. 6 Stipend from NSF (National Science Foundation), H. Mori
  114. 2012.12 International Exchange Grant of the Tateishi Science and Technology Foundation, Z. Cai
  115. 2012.12 Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences of the NEC C&C Foundation, N. Nishikawa
  116. 2011.11 Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences of the NEC C&C Foundation, S. Miura
  117. 2011.10 Overseas Travel Grant of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, Z. Cai
  118. 2020. 3 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, R. Takahashi
  119. 2019. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, S. Inoue
  120. 2019. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, R. Jinzai
  121. 2018.11 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, T. Matsuyoshi
  122. 2018. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, K. Yamaoka
  123. 2018. 3 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, M. Takakusaki
  124. 2018. 3 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, G. Takahashi
  125. 2017.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, N. Mae
  126. 2017.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, G. Takahashi
  127. 2017. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, K. Yamaoka
  128. 2017. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, Y. Matsui
  129. 2017. 8 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, L. Li
  130. 2017. 3 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, L. Li
  131. 2017. 2 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, T. Kodama
  132. 2016.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, N. Mae
  133. 2016.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, T. Kodama
  134. 2016.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, K. Shimizu
  135. 2016. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, M. Ishimura
  136. 2016. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, M. Takakusaki
  137. 2016. 3 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, T. Toyoda
  138. 2015. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, D. Aminaka
  139. 2014.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, D. Aminaka
  140. 2014.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, H. Yajima
  141. 2014. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, T. Kodama
  142. 2014. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, T. Toyoda
  143. 2014. 9 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, M. Chang
  144. 2013.10 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, R. Sakanashi
  145. 2013. 6 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, H. Mori
  146. 2012.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, T. Maruyama
  147. 2012.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, R. Sakanashi
  148. 2012.12 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, University of Tsukuba, Y. Fujita
  149. 2011.11 Travel Support for Overseas Dispatch of Graduate Students, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, K. Takeda

<Book Editors>

  1. S. Makino, Audio Source Separation, Springer, Mar. 2018. Google Scholar Citation: 115
  2. S. Makino, Te-Won Lee, and H. Sawada, Blind Speech Separation, Springer, Sept. 2007. Google Scholar Citation: 519
  3. J. Benesty, S. Makino, and J. Chen, Speech Enhancement, Springer, Mar. 2005. Google Scholar Citation: 643

<Book Chapters>

  1. S. Makino, ''Blind audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' in IEICE Knowledge Base 2-6-2-2, IEICE, pp. 12-15, Oct. 2012 (in Japanese).
  2. S. Makino, ''Blind audio source separation based on sparse component analysis, '' in IEICE Knowledge Base 2-6-2-3, IEICE, pp. 16-18, Oct. 2012 (in Japanese).
  3. S. Makino, S. Araki, S. Winter, and H. Sawada, ''Underdetermined blind source separation using acoustic arrays, '' in Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks, S. Haykin and K.J. Ray Liu, Eds., Wiley, pp. 303-341, Jan. 2010.
  4. H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Frequency-domain blind source separation, '' in Blind Speech Separation, S. Makino, Te-Won Lee, and H. Sawada, Eds., Springer, pp. 47-78, Sept. 2007. Google Scholar Citation: 135
  5. S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''K-means based underdetermined blind speech separation, '' in Blind Speech Separation, S. Makino, Te-Won Lee, and H. Sawada, Eds., Springer, pp. 243-270, Sept. 2007.
  6. S. Winter, W. Kellermann, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined blind source separation of convolutive mixtures by hierarchical clustering and L1-norm minimization, '' in Blind Speech Separation, S. Makino, Te-Won Lee, and H. Sawada, Eds., Springer, pp. 271-304, Sept. 2007.
  7. S. Makino, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Araki, ''Blind source separation of convolutive mixtures of audio signals in frequency domain, '' in Topics in Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, E. Haensler and G. Schmidt, Eds., Springer, pp. 51-89, May 2006.
  8. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Frequency-domain blind source separation, '' in Speech Enhancement, J. Benesty, S. Makino, and J. Chen, Eds., Springer, pp. 299-327, Mar. 2005. Google Scholar Citation: 132
  9. S. Araki, S. Makino, ''Subband based blind source separation, '' in Speech Enhancement, J. Benesty, S. Makino, and J. Chen, Eds., Springer, pp. 329-352, Mar. 2005.
  10. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Real-time blind source separation for moving speech signals, '' in Speech Enhancement, J. Benesty, S. Makino, and J. Chen, Eds., Springer, pp. 353-369, Mar. 2005.
  11. S. Makino, ''Blind source separation of convolutive mixtures of speech, '' in Adaptive Signal Processing: Applications to Real-World Problems, J. Benesty and Y. Huang, Eds., Springer, pp. 195-225, Jan. 2003.
  12. S. Makino, ''Teleconferencing equipment,'' in Sound Environment and Control Technology II: Applied Engineering, T. Tokita, Ed., Fiji Technosystem, pp. 593-605, Oct. 1999 (in Japanese).

<Journals and Transactions>

  1. T. Ueda, T. Nakatani, R. Ikeshita, K. Kinoshita, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Blind and spatially-regularized online joint optimization of source separation, dereverberation, and noise reduction, '' IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 32, pp. 1157-1172, Jan. 2024. [PDF]
  2. G. Richard, P. Smaragdis, S. Gannot, P. Naylor, S. Makino, W. Kellermann, and A. Sugiyama, ''Audio signal processing in the 21st century, '' IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 12-26, July 2023. [PDF] IF: 6.671
  3. R. Jinzai, K. Yamaoka, S. Makino, N. Ono, M. Matsumoto, and T. Yamada, ''Wavelength-proportional interpolation and extrapolation of virtual microphone for underdetermined speech enhancement, '' APSIPA Trans. Signal and Information Processing, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1-22, July 2023. [PDF]
  4. R. Jinzai, K. Yamaoka, S. Makino, N. Ono, T. Yamada, and M. Matsumoto, ''Virtual microphone technique for binauralization for multiple sound images on 2-channel stereo signals detected by microphones mounted closely, '' APSIPA Trans. Signal and Information Processing, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1-21, July 2023. [PDF]
  5. S. Yuan, T. Ueda, and S. Makino, ''Real-time moving blind source extraction based on constant separating vector and auxiliary function technique, '' Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 81-85, July 2023. [PDF] Award
  6. M. Qin, L. Li, and S. Makino, ''Deep complex-valued neural network-based triple-path mask and steering vector estimation for multichannel target speech separation, '' Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 87-91, July 2023. [PDF] Award
  7. Y. Matsui, S. Makino, N. Ono, and T. Yamada, ''Noise suppression using beamformer and transfer-function-gain nonnegative matrix factorization with distributed stereo microphones, '' Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 1-6, Jan. 2023. [PDF]
  8. J. Santoso, T. Yamada, K. Ishizuka, T. Hashimoto, and S. Makino, ''Speech emotion recognition based on self-attention weight correction for acoustic and text features, '' IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 115732-115743, Nov. 2022. [PDF]
  9. L. Li, H. Kameoka, and S. Makino, ''FastMVAE2: On improving and accelerating the fast variational autoencoder-based source separation algorithm for determined mixtures, '' IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 31, pp. 96-110, Oct. 2022. [PDF]
  10. K. Yamaoka, N. Ono, and S. Makino, ''Time-frequency-bin-wise linear combination of beamformers for distortionless signal enhancement, '' IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 29, pp. 3461-3475, Nov. 2021. [PDF]
  11. N. Murashima, H. Kameoka, L. Li, S. Seki, and S. Makino, ''Single-channel multispeaker separation with variational autoencoder spectrogram model, '' Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 145-149, July 2021. [PDF] Award
  12. R. Takahashi, L. Li, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''VMInNet: Interpolation of virtual microphones in optimal latent space explored by autoencoder, '' Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 245-250, Nov. 2021. [PDF]
  13. Y. Kaneko, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Monitoring of domestic activities using multiple beamformers and attention mechanism, '' Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 239-243, Nov. 2021. [PDF]
  14. L. Li, H. Kameoka, S. Inoue, and S. Makino, ''FastMVAE: A fast optimization algorithm for the multichannel variational autoencoder method, '' IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 228740-228753, Dec. 2020. [PDF]
  15. L. Li, H. Kameoka, and S. Makino, ''Majorization-minimization algorithm for discriminative non-negative matrix factorization, '' IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 227399-227408, Dec. 2020. [PDF]
  16. H. Kameoka, L. Li, S. Inoue, and S. Makino, ''Supervised determined source separation with multichannel variational autoencoder, '' Neural Computation, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1891-1914, Sept. 2019. [PDF]
  17. G. Takahashi, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Acoustic scene classification based on spatial feature extraction using convolutional neural networks, '' Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 199-202, July 2018. [PDF]
  18. Y. Murase, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Far noise suppression with transfer-function-gain non-negative matrix factorization in ad-hoc microphone array, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, vol. 73, no. 9, pp. 563-570, Sept. 2017 (in Japanese). [PDF] Award
  19. R. Sakanashi, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Audio source separation with asynchronous ad-hoc microphone array using teaching signals, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, vol. 73, no. 6, pp. 337-348, June 2017 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  20. Y. Bando, H. Saruwatari, N. Ono, S. Makino, K. Itoyama, D. Kitamura, M. Ishimura, M. Takakusaki, N. Mae, K. Yamaoka, Y. Matsui, Y. Ambe, M. Konyo, S. Tadokoro, K. Yoshii, and, H.G. Okuno, ''Low-latency and high-quality two-stage human-voice-enhancement system for a hose-shaped rescue robot, '' Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 198-212, Feb. 2017. [PDF]
  21. L. Guo, T. Yamada, S. Miyabe, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''Performance estimation of noisy speech recognition using spectral distortion and recognition task complexity, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E), vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 286-294, Nov. 2016. [PDF]
  22. H. Chiba, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, Y. Takahashi, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Amplitude-based speech enhancement with non-negative matrix factorization in time-channel domain for ad-hoc microphone array, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 462-470, Aug. 2016 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  23. Y. Sugimoto, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and B.H. Juang, ''An extension of MUSIC exploiting higher-order moments via nonlinear mapping, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E99-A, no. 6, pp. 1152-1162, June 2016. [PDF]
  24. H. Katahira, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Nonlinear speech enhancement by virtual increase of channels and maximum SNR beamformer, '' EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2016, no. 1, pp. 1-8, Jan. 2016. [PDF]
  25. K. Tsuzuki, T. Nakano, M. Goto, T. Yamada, S. Makino, ''Unisoner: An interface for derivative chorus creation from various voices singing the same song on the web, '' Journal of Information Processing, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 2370-2383, Dec. 2015 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  26. H. Chiba, Y. Kamamoto, T. Moriya, N. Harada, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Adaptive post-filtering method controlled by pitch frequency for CELP-based speech coding, '' IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, vol. J98-D, no. 10, pp. 1301-1311, Oct. 2015 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  27. S. Doclo, W. Kellermann, S. Makino, and S. Nordholm, ''Multichannel signal enhancement algorithms for assisted listening devices, '' IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 18-30, Mar. 2015. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 227, IF: 6.671
  28. S. Nordholm, W. Kellermann, S. Doclo, V. Valimaki, S. Makino, and J. Hershey, ''Signal processing techniques for assisted listening, '' IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 16-17, Mar. 2015. [PDF] IF: 6.671
  29. S. Miyabe, N. Ono, and S. Makino, ''Blind compensation of interchannel sampling frequency mismatch for ad hoc microphone array based on maximum likelihood estimation, '' Elsevier Signal Processing, vol. 107, no. 2015, pp. 185-196, Feb. 2015. [PDF] IF: 2.063
  30. T. Maruyama, S. Araki, T. Nakatani, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and A. Nakamura, ''Reduction of computational cost in underdetermined blind source separation based on frequency-dependent time-difference-of-arrival estimation, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 323-331, June 2014 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  31. S. Kim, T. Kaniwa, H. Terasawa, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Inter-subject differences in personalized technical ear training and the influence of an individually optimized training sequence, '' Journal of Acoustic Science and Technology, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 424-431, Nov. 2013. [PDF]
  32. Z. Cai, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Brain evoked potential latencies optimization for spatial auditory brain-computer interface, '' Cognitive Computation, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 34-43, Aug. 2013. [PDF]
  33. H. Terasawa, R. Hoshi-Shiba, T. Shibayama, H. Ohmura, K. Furukawa, S. Makino, and K. Okanoya, ''A network model for the embodied communication of musical emotions, '' Cognitive Studies, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 112-129, Mar. 2013 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  34. H. Terasawa, J. Berger, and S. Makino, ''In search of a perceptual metric for timbre: Dissimilarity judgements among synthetic sounds with MFCC-derived spectral envelopes, '' J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 674-685, Sept. 2012. [PDF]
  35. Y. Ansai, S. Araki, S. Makino, T. Nakatani, T. Yamada, A. Nakamura, and N. Kitawaki, ''Cepstral smoothing of separated signals for underdetermined speech separation, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 74-85, Feb. 2012 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  36. H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined convolutive blind source separation via frequency bin-wise clustering and permutation alignment, '' IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 516-527, Mar. 2011. [PDF] Award, Google Scholar Citation: 414, IF: 1.877
  37. T. Yoshitome, K. Kamikura, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''An MPEG-2 to H.264 transcoding preserving DCT types and motion vectors to suppress re-quantization noise for interlace contents, '' IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, vol. J94-D, no. 2, pp. 469-480, Feb. 2011 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  38. S. Araki, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''DOA estimation for multiple sparse sources with arbitrarily arranged multiple sensors, '' Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 265-275, Oct. 2009. [PDF]
  39. H. Kato, Y. Nagahara, S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Frequency-domain Pearson distribution approach for independent component analysis (FD-Pearson-ICA) in blind source separation, '' IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 639-649, May 2009. [PDF] IF: 1.877
  40. H. Sawada, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Grouping separated frequency components by estimating propagation model parameters in frequency-domain blind source separation, '' IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1592-1604, July 2007. [PDF] Award, Google Scholar Citation: 170, IF: 1.877
  41. S. Douglas, M. Gupta, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Spatio-temporal FastICA algorithms for the blind separation of convolutive mixtures, '' IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1511-1520, July 2007. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 127, IF: 1.877
  42. S. Araki, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined blind sparse source separation for arbitrarily arranged multiple sensors, '' Elsevier Signal Processing, vol. 87, no. 8, pp. 1833-1847, Aug. 2007. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 329, IF: 2.063
  43. M. Knaak, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Geometrically constrained independent component analysis, '' IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 715-726, Feb. 2007. [PDF] IF: 1.877
  44. S. Winter, W. Kellermann, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''MAP-based underdetermined blind source separation of convolutive mixtures by hierarchical clustering and L1-norm minimization, '' EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2007, Article ID 24717, pp. 1-12, Jan. 2007. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 145
  45. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Frequency-domain blind source separation of many speech signals using near-field and far-field models, '' EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 2006, Article ID 83683, pp. 1-13, Dec. 2006. [PDF]
  46. H. Sawada, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Blind extraction of dominant target sources using ICA and time-frequency masking, '' IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 2165-2173, Nov. 2006. [PDF]Google Scholar Citation: 134, IF: 1.877
  47. S. Emura, Y. Haneda, A. Kataoka, and S. Makino, ''Stereo echo cancellation algorithm using adaptive update on the basis of enhanced input-signal vector, '' Elsevier Signal Processing, vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 1157-1167, June 2006. [PDF] IF: 2.063
  48. S. Winter, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Geometrical interpretation of the PCA subspace approach for overdetermined blind source separation, '' EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 2006, Article ID 71632, pp. 1-11, Mar. 2006. [PDF]
  49. S. Araki, S. Makino, R. Aichner, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Subband-based blind separation for convolutive mixtures of speech, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E88-A, no. 12, pp. 3593-3603, Dec. 2005. [PDF]
  50. A. Blin, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined blind separation of convolutive mixtures of speech using time-frequency mask and mixing matrix estimation, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E88-A, no. 7, pp. 1693-1700, July 2005. [PDF]
  51. S. Douglas, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Natural gradient multichannel blind deconvolution and speech separation using causal FIR filters, '' IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 92-104, Jan. 2005. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 126, IF: 1.877
  52. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''A robust and precise method for solving the permutation problem of frequency-domain blind source separation, '' IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 530-538, Sept. 2004. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 788, IF: 1.877
  53. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, '' Blind source separation for moving speech signals using blockwise ICA and residual crosstalk subtraction, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E87-A, no. 8, pp. 1941-1948, Aug. 2004. [PDF] Award
  54. R. Mukai, S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, '' Evaluation of separation and dereverberation performance in frequency domain blind source separation, '' Journal of Acoustic Science and Technology, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 119-126, Mar. 2004. [PDF] Award
  55. S. Araki, S. Makino, Y. Hinamoto, R. Mukai, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Equivalence between frequency domain blind source separation and frequency domain adaptive beamforming for convolutive mixtures, '' EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 2003, no. 11, pp. 1157-1166, Nov. 2003. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 111, Award
  56. S. Araki, R. Mukai, S. Makino, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''The fundamental limitation of frequency domain blind source separation for convolutive mixtures of speech, '' IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 109-116, Mar. 2003. [PDF] Award, Google Scholar Citation: 503, IF: 1.877
  57. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Polar coordinate based nonlinear function for frequency-domain blind source separation, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E86-A, no. 3, pp. 590-596, Mar. 2003. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 249
  58. A. Nakagawa, S. Shimauchi, Y. Haneda, S. Aoki, and S. Makino, ''A design of a hands-free communication unit using loudspeakers and microphones with a flat directional pattern, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 509-516, Aug. 2001 (in Japanese). [PDF] Award
  59. S. Sakauchi, Y. Haneda, S. Makino, M. Tanaka, and Y. Kaneda, ''Subjective assessment of the desired echo return loss for subband acoustic echo cancellers, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E83-A, no. 12, pp. 2633-2639, Dec. 2000. [PDF] Award
  60. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, Y. Kaneda, and N. Kitawaki, ''Common-acoustical-pole and zero modeling of head-related transfer functions, '' IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 188-196, Mar. 1999. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 132 IF: 1.877
  61. M. Tanaka, S. Makino, and J. Kojima, ''A block exact fast affine projection algorithm, '' IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 79-86, Jan. 1999. [PDF] IF: 1.877
  62. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, and Y. Kaneda, ''Multiple-point equalization of room transfer functions by using common acoustical poles, '' IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 325-333, July 1997. [PDF] IF: 1.877
  63. S. Makino and Y. Haneda, ''Subband echo canceller with an exponentially weighted stepsize NLMS adaptive filter, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. J79-A, no. 6, pp. 1138-1146, June 1996 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  64. M. Tanaka, Y. Kaneda, S. Makino, and J. Kojima, ''A fast projection algorithm for adaptive filtering, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E78-A, no. 10, pp. 1355-1361, Oct. 1995. [PDF]
  65. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, and Y. Kaneda, ''Common acoustical pole and zero modeling of room transfer functions, '' NTT R&D, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 53-58, Jan. 1995 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  66. S. Makino and Y. Kaneda, ''Exponentially weighted step-size projection algorithm for acoustic echo cancellers, '' NTT R&D, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 45-52, Jan. 1995 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  67. J. Kojima, S. Makino, Y. Haneda, and S. Shimauchi, ''High-performance acoustic echo canceller development, '' NTT R&D, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 39-44, Jan. 1995 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  68. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, and Y. Kaneda, ''Common acoustical pole and zero modeling of room transfer functions, '' IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 320-328, Apr. 1994. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 196, IF: 1.877
  69. S. Makino and Y. Kaneda, ''A new RLS adaptive algorithm based on the variation characteristics of a room impulse response, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 32-39, Jan. 1994 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  70. H. Oikawa, M. Nishino, K. Yamamori, and S. Makino, ''A new design for program controlled voice switching circuits using a microprocessor, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. J77-B-I, no. 1, pp. 66-74, Jan. 1994 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  71. S. Makino, Y. Kaneda, and N. Koizumi, ''Exponentially weighted step-size NLMS adaptive filter based on the statistics of a room impulse response, '' IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 101-108, Jan. 1993. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 202, IF: 1.877
  72. S. Makino and Y. Kaneda, ''Exponentially weighted step-size projection algorithm for acoustic echo cancellers, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E75-A, no. 11, pp. 1500-1508, Nov. 1992. [PDF] Award
  73. N. Koizumi, S. Makino, and H. Oikawa, ''Acoustic echo canceller with multiple echo paths, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E), vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 39-45, Jan. 1989. [PDF]
  74. H. Oikawa, N. Koizumi, and S. Makino, ''Audio teleconferencing set with multi-path echo canceller, '' ECL Technical Journal, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 191-197, Feb. 1988 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  75. H. Oikawa, N. Koizumi, and S. Makino, ''Audio teleconferencing set with multipath echo canceller, '' REVIEW of the ECL, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 217-223, Feb. 1988. [PDF]
  76. S. Makino and Y. Ichinose, ''Vibration characteristics of a piezoelectric bimorph diaphragm with a step-shaped edge, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 161-166, Mar. 1987 (in Japanese). [PDF]


  1. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Estimating the number of sources using independent component analysis, '' Journal of Acoustic Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 450-452, Sept. 2005. [PDF]
  2. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Convolutive blind source separation for more than two sources in the frequency domain, '' Journal of Acoustic Science and Technology, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 296-298, July 2004. [PDF]
  3. A. Nakagawa, S. Shimauchi, and S. Makino, ''A study of microphone system for hands-free teleconferencing units, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E), vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 33-35, Jan. 2000. [PDF]
  4. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, Y. Kaneda, and N. Koizumi, ''ARMA modeling of a room transfer function at low frequencies, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E), vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 353-355, Sept. 1994. [PDF]
  5. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, and Y. Kaneda, ''Common acoustical poles independent of sound directions and modeling of head-related transfer functions, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E), vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 277-279, July 1994. [PDF]
  6. S. Makino and N. Koizumi, ''Improvement on adaptation of an echo canceller in a room, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. J71-A, no. 12, pp. 2212-2214, Dec. 1988 (in Japanese). [PDF]


  1. Y. Tsao, S. Makino, Y. Kajikawa, and N. Ono, ''Editorial for the special issue on advanced acoustic, sound and audio processing techniques and their applications, '' APSIPA Trans. Signal and Information Processing, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1-4, July 2023. [PDF]
  2. N. Ono, S. Miyabe, and S. Makino, ''Acoustic signal processing based on asynchronous and distributed microphone array, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 391-396, July 2014 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  3. N. Ono, K.L. Trung, S. Miyabe, and S. Makino, ''Ad-hoc microphone array - Acoustic signal processing using multiple mobile recording devices -, '' IEICE Fundamentals Review, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 336-347, Apr. 2014 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  4. J.T. Chien, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Some advances in adaptive source separation, '' APSIPA Newsletter, pp. 7-9, Sept. 2013. [PDF]
  5. S. Makino, ''Foreword to special issue on recent mathematical advances in acoustic signal processing, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 557-558, Nov. 2012 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  6. T. Yamada, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''Subjective and objective quality evaluation of noise reduced speech, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 476-481, Oct. 2011 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  7. S. Makino, A. Cichocki, W. Zheng, and A. Uncini, ''Guest editorial: Special section on blind signal processing and its applications, '' IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-I, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1401-1403, July 2010. [PDF] IF: 2.393
  8. S. Makino, ''Foreword to the special section on blind signal processing and its applications, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. J92-A, no. 5, p. 275, May 2009 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  9. S. Makino, ''Foreword to the special section on acoustic scene analysis and reproduction, '' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E91-A, no. 6, pp. 1301-1302, June 2008. [PDF]
  10. H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Recent advances in audio source separation techniques, '' in Journal of IEICE, vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 292-296, Apr. 2008 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  11. R. Guido, L. Deng, and S. Makino, ''Guest editors' introduction: Special section on emergent systems, algorithms, and architectures for speech-based human-machine interaction, '' IEEE Trans. Computers, vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 1153-1155, Sept. 2007. [PDF] IF: 1.723
  12. S. Makino, T. Lee, and G. Brown, ''Introduction to the special section on blind signal processing for speech and audio applications, '' IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1509-1510, July 2007. [PDF] IF: 1.877
  13. S. Makino, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Araki, ''Blind source separation of convolutive mixtures of speech in frequency domain, '' Invited in IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E88-A, no. 7, pp. 1640-1655, July 2005. [PDF] Google Scholar Citation: 110
  14. S. Makino, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and H. Sawada, ''Blind source separation of convolved mixtures of speech, '' Journal of Systems, Control and Information, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 401-408, Oct. 2004 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  15. S. Makino S. Araki, R. Mukai, and H. Sawada, ''Blind separation of audio signals, '' NTT Technical Journal, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 8-12, Dec. 2003 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  16. S. Makino and S. Shimauchi, ''Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation - An overview and solutions, ''Journal of Systems, Control and Information, vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 724-732, Dec. 2002 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  17. S. Makino, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Katagiri, ''Separation of speech signal - To realize multiple talker speech recognition -, '' NTT R&D, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 937-944, Dec. 2001 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  18. S. Makino, ''Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation: An overview and recent solutions, '' Journal of Acoustic Science and Technology, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 325-333, Sept. 2001. [PDF]
  19. S. Makino, ''A first step to the subband processing - For real-time implementation -, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 845-851, Dec. 2000 (in Japanese). [PDF]
  20. M. Kahrs, G. Elko, S. Elliot, S. Makino, J. Kates, M. Bosi, and J. Smith, ''The past, present, and future of audio signal processing, '' IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 30-57, Sept. 1997. [PDF] IF: 6.671
  21. S. Makino and S. Shimada, ''Echo control in telecommunications, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E), vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 309-316, Nov. 1990. [PDF]
  22. S. Shimada and S. Makino, ''Recent techniques of circuit and acoustic echo control for telephony, '' Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 222-227, Mar. 1990 (in Japanese). [PDF]

<Short Notes>

  1. S. Makino, ''Activity Report from the AASP-TC, '' IEEE Signal Processing Society eNewsletter, TC News, Mar. 2015.
  2. S. Makino, ''News from the AASP-TC, '' IEEE Signal Processing Society eNewsletter, TC News, Aug. 2014.
  3. S. Makino, ''Multimedia Information Processing Combining Brain Science, Life Science, and Information Science, '' USJI Universities Research Report, vol.32, June 27, 2014.
  4. S. Makino, ''Activity Report from the AASP-TC, '' IEEE Signal Processing Society eNewsletter, TC News, Feb. 2014.
  5. S. Makino, ''News from the AASP-TC, '' IEEE Signal Processing Society eNewsletter, TC News, Aug. 2013.
  6. S. Makino, ''Blind source separation of convolutive mixtures of audio signals in frequency domain, '' Advances in Circuits and Systems, no. 5, Aug. 2005.
  7. S. Makino, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Katagiri, ''Blind source separation in a real room, '' Journal of IEICE Japan, vol. 84, no. 11, pp. 848, Nov. 2001 (in Japanese).
  8. S. Makino and S. Araki, ''ICASSP2001 conference report, '' Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 736-737, Sept. 2001 (in Japanese).
  9. S. Makino, ''Can echo cancellers cancel howling in PA systems?, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., vol. 51, no. 3, p. 248, Mar. 1995 (in Japanese).
  10. S. Makino, et al., ''Report on the 1994 International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 759-760, Sept. 1994 (in Japanese).
  11. S. Makino, ''Research on the adaptive signal processing for acoustic echo cancellation, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., p. 75, Jan. 1994 (in Japanese).
  12. K. Hirose, S. Nakagawa, T. Taniguchi, and S. Makino, ''Report on the 1990 International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, '' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 869-870, Oct. 1990 (in Japanese).


  1. L. Li, H. Kameoka, and S. Makino, ''FastMVAE2: On improving and accelerating the fast variational autoencoder-based source separation algorithm for determined mixtures, '' arXiv:2109.13496 [cs.SD], Sept. 2021. [PDF]
  2. L. Li, H. Kameoka, and S. Makino, ''Fast MVAE: Joint separation and classification of mixed sources based on multichannel variational autoencoder with auxiliary classifier, '' arXiv:1812.06391 [cs.LG], Dec. 2018. [PDF]
  3. H. Kameoka, L. Li, S. Inoue, and S. Makino, ''Semi-blind source separation with multichannel variational autoencoder, '' arXiv:1808.00892 [stat.ML], Aug. 2018. [PDF]

<Conferences with Review>

  1. S. Zhang, Z. Qiu, D. Takeuchi, N. Harada, and S. Makino, ''Unrestricted global phase bias-aware single-channel speech enhancement with conformer-based metric GAN, '' in Proc. ICASSP2024, pp. 1026-1030, Apr. 2024. [PDF]
  2. K. Lu, X. Wang, T. Ueda, S. Makino, and J. Chen, ''A computationally efficient semi-blind source separation approach for nonlinear echo cancellation based on an element-wise iteravive source steering, '' in Proc. ICASSP2024, pp. 756-760, Apr. 2024. [PDF]
  3. H. Segawa, T. Ochiai, M. Delcroix, T. Nakatani, R. Ikeshita, S. Araki, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Neural network-based virtual microphone estimation with virtual microphone and beamformer-level multi-task loss, '' in Proc. ICASSP2024, pp. 11021-11025, Apr. 2024. [PDF]
  4. Y. Yang, H. Li, X. Wang, W. Zhang, S. Makino, and J. Chen, ''Stereophonic music source separation with spatially-informed bridging band-split network, '' in Proc. ICASSP2024, pp. 786-790, Apr. 2024. [PDF]
  5. R. Kimura, T. Nakatani, N. Kamo, M. Delcroix, S. Araki, T. Ueda, and S. Makino, ''Diffusion model-based MIMO speech denoising and dereverberation, '' in Proc. HSCMA, pp. 455-459, Apr. 2024. [PDF]
  6. M. Song, T. Ueda, R. Zhang, J. Hu, and S. Makino, ''Geometrically constrained joint moving source extraction and dereverberation based on constant separating vector mixing model, '' in Proc. HSCMA, pp. 530-534, Apr. 2024. [PDF]
  7. B. He, S. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Qiu, D. Takeuchi, D. Niizumi, N. Harada, and S. Makino, ''Light gated multi mini-patch extractor for audio classification, '' in Proc. HSCMA, pp. 765-769, Apr. 2024. [PDF]
  8. B. Wang, K. Mo, T. Ueda, and S. Makino, ''Accelerating algorithm of geometrically constrained source separation and dereverberation using iterative source steering, '' in Proc. HSCMA, pp. 1-5, Apr. 2024. (non-archival track) [PDF]
  9. Z. Qiu, J. Wang, B. He, S. Zhang, and S. Makino, ''Transformer-based virtual microphone estimator, '' in Proc. HSCMA, pp. 1-5, Apr. 2024. (non-archival track) [PDF]
  10. S. Furunaga, T. Ueda, and S. Makino, ''Moving interference speaker removal using geometrically constrained independent vector analysis, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1031-1036, Oct. 2023. [PDF]
  11. T. Ueda, T. Nakatani, R. Ikeshita, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Spatially-regularized switching independent vector analysis, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 2008-2014, Oct. 2023. [PDF]
  12. K. Mo, X. Wang, Y. Yang, T. Ueda, S. Makino, and J. Chen, ''On joint dereverberation and source separation with geometrical constraints and iterative source steering, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1113-1117, Oct. 2023. [PDF]
  13. R. Zhang, T. Ueda, and S. Makino, ''Geometrically constrained blind moving source extraction based on constant separation vector and auxiliary function technique, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1997-2001, Oct. 2023. [PDF]
  14. H. Xing, S. Zhang, D. Takeuchi, D. Niizumi, N. Harada, and S. Makino, ''Enhancing spectrogram for audio classification using time-frequency enhancer, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1130-1135, Oct. 2023. [PDF]
  15. T. Ueda and S. Makino, ''Constant separating vector-based blind source extraction and dereverberation for a moving speaker, '' Invited in Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 930-934, Sept. 2023. [PDF]
  16. B. Liu, S. Zhang, D. Takeuchi, D. Niizumi, N. Harada, and S. Makino, ''Masked modeling duo vision transformer with multi-layer feature fusion on respiratory sound classification, '' in Proc. Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE), pp. 1-5, Sept. 2023. [PDF]
  17. K. Goto, T. Ueda, L. Li, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Investigation of partial update and source localization in geometrically constrained independent vector analysis with auxiliary function approach for moving source, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 426-429, Feb. 2023. [PDF]
  18. S. Yuan, T. Ueda, and S. Makino, ''Real-time moving blind source extraction based on constant separating vector and auxiliary function technique, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 94-97, Feb. 2023. [PDF] Award
  19. M. Qin, L. Li, and S. Makino, ''Deep complex-valued neural network-based triple-path mask and steering vector estimation for multi-channel target speech separation, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 33-36, Feb. 2023. [PDF] Award
  20. J. Wang, L. Li, and S. Makino, ''Knowledge distillation with mask-based relationship for speech enhancement, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 29-32, Feb. 2023. [PDF]
  21. K. Goto, T. Ueda, L. Li, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Accelerating online algorithm using geometrically constrained independent vector analysis with iterative source steering, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 755-760, Nov. 2022. [PDF]
  22. H. Segawa, T. Ochiai, M. Delcroix, T. Nakatani, R. Ikeshita, S. Araki, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Neural virtual microphone estimator: Application to multi-talker reverberant mixtures, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 293-299, Nov. 2022. [PDF]
  23. J. Santoso, R. Sekiguchi, T. Yamada, K. Ishizuka, T. Hashimoto, and S. Makino, ''Speech emotion recognition based on the reconstruction of acoustic and text features in latent space, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1675-1680, Nov. 2022. [PDF]
  24. S. Ichikawa, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Neural beamformer with automatic detection of notable sounds for acoustic scene classification, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 866-871, Nov. 2022. [PDF]
  25. J. Santoso, T. Yamada, K. Ishizuka, T. Hashimoto, and S. Makino, ''Performance improvement of speech emotion recognition by neutral speech detection using autoencoder and intermediate representation, '' in Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp. 4700-4704, Sept. 2022. [PDF]
  26. S. Furunaga, K. Goto, T. Ueda, L. Li, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Numerical investigation of weight parameters for geometrically constrained independent vector analysis using vectorwise coordinate descent or iterative source steering, '' in Proc. IWAENC, pp. 1-5, Sept. 2022. [PDF]
  27. K. Goto, T. Ueda, L. Li, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Geometrically constrained independent vector analysis with auxiliary function approach and iterative source steering, '' Invited in Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 757-761, Aug. 2022. [PDF]
  28. T. Yu, T. Ueda, and S. Makino, ''Blind source separation of moving sound sources in reverberant indoor environments, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 357-360, Feb. 2022. [PDF]
  29. K. Ouma, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Semi-supervised learning using weakly labeled data generated by GAN in sound event detection, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 353-356, Feb. 2022. [PDF]
  30. S. Nakaoka, L. Li, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''Reducing algorithmic delay using low-overlap window for online Wave-U-Net, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1210-1214, Dec. 2021. [PDF]
  31. H. Segawa, L. Li, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''Extension of virtual microphone technique to multiple real microphones and investigation of the impact of phase and amplitude interpolation on speech enhancement, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 597-602, Dec. 2021. [PDF]
  32. S. Misawa, N. Takamune, T. Nakamura, D. Kitamura, H. Saruwatari, M. Une, and S. Makino, ''Speech enhancement by noise self-supervised rank-constrained spatial covariance matrix estimation via independent deeply learned matrix analysis, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 578-584, Dec. 2021. [PDF]
  33. J. Santoso, T. Yamada, S. Makino, K. Ishizuka, and T. Hiramura, ''Speech emotion recognition based on attention weight correction using word-level confidence measure, '' in Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp. 1947-1951, Aug. 2021. [PDF]
  34. T. Ueda, T. Nakatani, R. Ikeshita, K. Kinoshita, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Low latency online source separation and noise reduction based on joint optimization with dereverberation, '' Invited in Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 1000-1004, Aug. 2021. [PDF]
  35. S. Inoue, H. Kameoka, L. Li, and S. Makino, ''SepNet: A deep separation matrix prediction network for multichannel audio source separation, '' in Proc. ICASSP2021, pp. 191-195, May 2021. [PDF]
  36. T. Ueda, T. Nakatani, R. Ikeshita, K. Kinoshita, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Low latency online blind source separation based on joint optimization with blind dereverberation, '' in Proc. ICASSP2021, pp. 506-510, May 2021. [PDF]
  37. S. Nakaoka, L. Li, S. Inoue, and S. Makino, ''Teacher-student learning for low-latency online speech enhancement using wave-U-net, '' in Proc. ICASSP2021, pp. 661-665, May 2021. [PDF]
  38. R. Takahashi, L. Li, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''VMInNet: Interpolation of virtual microphones in optimal latent space explored by autoencoder, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 93-96, Mar. 2021. [PDF]
  39. N. Murashima, H. Kameoka, L. Li, S. Seki, and S. Makino, ''Single-channel multi-speaker separation via discriminative training of variational autoencoder spectrogram model, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 149-152, Mar. 2021.[PDF]
  40. Y. Kaneko, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Monitoring of domestic activities using multiple beamformers and attention mechanism, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 145-148, Mar. 2021. [PDF]
  41. K. Goto, L. Li, R. Takahashi, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''Study on geometrically constrained IVA with auxiliary function approach and VCD for in-car communication, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 858-862, Dec. 2020. [PDF]
  42. H. Segawa, R. Takahashi, R. Jinzai, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''Applying virtual microphones to triangular microphone array in in-car communication, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 421-425, Dec. 2020. [PDF]
  43. L. Li, K. Koishida, and S. Makino, ''Online directional speech enhancement using geometrically constrained independent vector analysis, '' in Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp. 61-65, Oct. 2020. [PDF]
  44. L. Li, H. Kameoka, S. Makino, ''Determined audio source separation with multichannel star generative adversarial network, '' in Proc. MLSP, pp. 1-6, Sept. 2020. [PDF]
  45. M. Une, Y. Kubo, N. Takamune, D. Kitamura, H. Saruwatari, and S. Makino, ''Multichannel hearing-aid system based on basis-shared semi-supervised independent low-rank matrix analysis, '' in Proc. Forum Acusticum, pp. 763-769, Dec. 2020. [PDF]
  46. T. Ueda, S. Inoue, S. Makino, M. Matsumoto, and T. Yamada, ''Blind source separation with low latency for in-car communication, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 167-170, Feb. 2020. [PDF]
  47. R. Takahashi, K. Yamaoka, L. Li, S. Makino, T. Yamada, and M. Matsumoto, ''Underdetermined multichannel speech enhancement using time-frequency-bin-wise switching beamformer and gated CNN-based time-frequency mask for reverberant environments, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 645-648, Feb. 2020. [PDF]
  48. Y. Kaneko, R. Kurosawa, T. Yamada, and Shoji Makino, ''Spatial feature extraction based on convolutional neural network with multiple microphone inputs for monitoring of domestic activities, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 175-178, Feb. 2020. [PDF]
  49. M. Une, Y. Kubo, N. Takamune, D. Kitamura, H. Saruwatari, and S. Makino, ''Evaluation of multichannel hearing aid system by rank-constrained spatial covariance matrix estimation, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1874-1879, Nov. 2019. [PDF]
  50. J. Santoso, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Classification of causes of speech recognition errors using attention-based bidirectional long short-term memory and modulation spectrum, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 302-306, Nov. 2019. [PDF]
  51. L. Li, T. Toda, K. Morikawa, K. Kobayashi, and S. Makino, ''Improving singing aid system for laryngectomees with statistical voice conversion and VAE-SPACE, '' in Proc. Annual Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), pp. 784-790, Nov. 2019. [PDF]
  52. S. Inoue, H. Kameoka, L. Li, and S. Makino, ''Joint separation, dereverberation and classification of multiple sources using multichannel variational autoencoder with auxiliary classifier, '' Invited in Proc. International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), pp. 6988-6995, Sept. 2019. [PDF]
  53. L. Li, K. Yamaoka, Y. Koshino, M. Matsumoto, and S. Makino, ''Gated convolutional neural network-based voice activity detection under high-level noise environments, '' in Proc. International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), pp. 2862-2869, Sept. 2019. [PDF]
  54. K. Yamaoka, L. Li, N. Ono, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''CNN-based virtual microphone signal estimation for MPDR beamforming in underdetermined situations, '' Invited in Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 1-5, Sept. 2019. [PDF]
  55. R. Jinzai, K. Yamaoka, M. Matsumoto, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''Wavelength proportional arrangement of virtual microphones based on interpolation/extrapolation for underdetermined speech enhancement, '' Invited in Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 1-5, Sept. 2019. [PDF]
  56. K. Yamaoka, N. Ono, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''Time-frequency-bin-wise switching of minimum variance distortionless response beamformer for underdetermined situations, '' Invited in Proc. ICASSP2019, pp. 7908-7912, May 2019. [PDF] Award
  57. L. Li, H. Kameoka, and S. Makino, ''Fast MVAE: Joint separation and classification of mixed sources based on multichannel variational autoencoder with auxiliary classifier, '' in Proc. ICASSP2019, pp. 546-550, May 2019. [PDF] Award
  58. S. Inoue, H. Kameoka, L. Li, S. Seki, and S. Makino, ''Joint separation and dereverberation of reverberant mixtures with multichannel variational autoencoder, '' in Proc. ICASSP2019, pp. 96-100, May 2019. [PDF]
  59. K. Yamaoka, N. Ono, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''Performance evaluation of time-frequency-bin-wise switching beamformer in reverberant environments, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 264-267, Mar. 2019. [PDF]
  60. Y. Matsui, S. Makino, N. Ono, and T. Yamada, ''Noise suppression using beamformer and transfer-function-gain nonnegative matrix factorization with distributed stereo microphones, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 260-263, Mar. 2019. [PDF]
  61. S. Amada, R. Sugiura, Y. Kamamoto, N. Harada, T. Moriya, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Experimental evaluation of WaveRNN predictor for audio lossless coding, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 315-318, Mar. 2019. [PDF]
  62. J. Santoso, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Categorizing error causes related to utterance characteristics in speech recognition, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 514-517, Mar. 2019. [PDF]
  63. R. Jinzai, M. Matsumoto, K. Yamaoka, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Microphone position realignment by extrapolation of virtual microphone, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 367-372, Nov. 2018. [PDF]
  64. T. Matsuyoshi, T. Komatsu, R. Kondo, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Weakly labeled learning using BLSTM-CTC for sound event detection, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1918-1923, Nov. 2018. [PDF]
  65. Y. Matsui, T. Nakatani, M. Delcroix, K. Kinoshita, N. Ito, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Online integration of DNN-based and spatial clustering-based mask estimation for robust MVDR beamforming, '' in Proc. IWAENC, pp. 71-75, Sept. 2018. [PDF]
  66. K. Yamaoka, A. Brendel, N. Ono, S. Makino, M. Buerger, T. Yamada, and W. Kellermann, ''Time-frequency-bin-wise beamformer selection and masking for speech enhancement in underdetermined noisy scenarios, '' Invited in Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 1596-1600, Sept. 2018. [PDF]
  67. N. Mae, K. Yamaoka, Y. Mitsui, M. Matsumoto, S. Makino, D. Kitamura, N. Ono, T. Yamada, and H. Saruwatari, ''Ego noise reduction and sound localization adapted to human ears using hose-shaped rescue robot, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 371-374, Mar. 2018. [PDF]
  68. M. Takakusaki, D. Kitamura, N. Ono, S. Makino, T. Yamada, and H. Saruwatari, ''Ego-noise reduction for hose-shaped rescue robot using basis-shared semi-supervised independent low-rank matrix analysis, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 351-354, Mar. 2018. [PDF] Award
  69. G. Takahashi, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Acoustic scene classification based on spatial feature extraction using convolutional neural networks, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 188-191, Mar. 2018. [PDF] Award
  70. T. Goto, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Novel speech recognition interface based on notification of utterance volume required in changing noisy environment, '' in Proc. RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 192-195, Mar. 2018. [PDF]
  71. N. Mae, Y. Mitsui, S. Makino, D. Kitamura, N. Ono, T. Yamada, and H. Saruwatari, ''Sound source localization using binaural difference for hose-shaped rescue robot, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1-7, Dec. 2017. [PDF]
  72. K. Yamaoka, N. Ono, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''Abnormal sound detection by two microphones using virtual microphone technique, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1-5, Dec. 2017. [PDF]
  73. G. Takahashi, T. Yamada, N. Ono, and S. Makino, ''Performance evaluation of acoustic scene classification using DNN-GMM and frame-concatenated acoustic features, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1-5, Dec. 2017. [PDF]
  74. S. Amada, Y. Kamamoto, N. Harada, R. Sugiura, T. Moriya, S. Makino, and T. Yamada, ''Experimental evaluation of encoding parameters of MPEG-4 ALS for high-resolution audio, '' in Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), pp. 577-580, Oct. 2017. [PDF]
  75. L. Li, H. Kameoka, and S. Makino, ''Mel-generalized cepstral regularization for discriminative non-negative matrix factorization, '' in Proc. MLSP, pp. 1-6, Sept. 2017. [PDF]
  76. K. Yamaoka, N. Ono, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Performance evaluation of nonlinear speech enhancement based on virtual increase of channels in reverberant environments, '' in Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 2388-2392, Aug. 2017. [PDF]
  77. Y. Matsui, S. Makino, N. Ono, T. Yamada, ''Multiple far noise suppression in a real environment using transfer-function-gain NMF, '' in Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 2378-2382, Aug. 2017. [PDF]
  78. L. Li, H. Kameoka, T. Toda, and S. Makino, ''Speech enhancement using non-negative spectrogram models with mel-generalized cepstral regularization, '' in Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp. 1998-2002, Aug. 2017. [PDF]
  79. T. Kodama and S. Makino, ''Convolutional neural network architecture and input volume matrix design for ERP classifications in a tactile P300-based brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 3814-3817, July 2017. [PDF] Award
  80. L. Li, H. Kameoka, and S. Makino, ''Discriminative non-negative matrix factorization with majorization-minimization, '' in Proc. HSCMA, pp. 141-145, Mar. 2017. [PDF]
  81. T. Kodama and S. Makino, ''Analysis of the brain activated distributions in response to full-body spatial vibrotactile stimuli using a tactile P300-based BCI paradigm, '' in Proc. Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), pp. 1-1, Feb. 2017. [PDF]
  82. N. Mae, M. Ishimura, S. Makino, D. Kitamura, N. Ono, T. Yamada, and H. Saruwatari, ''Ego noise reduction for hose-shaped rescue robot combining independent low-rank matrix analysis and multichannel noise cancellation, '' in Proc. LVA/ICA, pp. 141-151, Feb. 2017. [PDF]
  83. N. Mae, D. Kitamura, M. Ishimura, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Ego noise reduction for hose-shaped rescue robot combining independent low-rank matrix analysis and noise cancellation, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1-6, Dec. 2016. [PDF]
  84. L. Guo, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Performance estimation of spontaneous speech recognition using non-reference acoustic features, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2016. [PDF]
  85. T. Kodama, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Tactile brain-computer interface using classification of P300 responses evoked by full body spatial vibrotactile stimuli, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1-8, Dec. 2016. [PDF]
  86. T. Kodama, K. Shimizu, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Full-body tactile P300-based brain-computer interface accuracy refinement, '' in Proc. International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART), pp. 1-4, Dec. 2016. [PDF]
  87. K. Shimizu, T. Kodama, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Visual motion onset augmented reality brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART), pp. 1-4, Dec. 2016. [PDF]
  88. T. Kodama, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Toward a QoL improvement of ALS patients: Development of the full-body P300-based tactile brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. AEARU Young Researchers International Conference, pp. 1-4, Sept. 2016. [PDF]
  89. M. Ishimura, S. Makino, T. Yamada, N. Ono, and H. Saruwatari, ''Noise reduction using independent vector analysis and noise cancellation for a hose-shaped rescue robot, '' in Proc. IWAENC2016, pp. 1-5, Sept. 2016. [PDF]
  90. M. Takakusaki, D. Kitamura, N. Ono, T. Yamada, S. Makino and H. Saruwatari, ''Ego-noise reduction for a hose-shaped rescue robot using determined rank-1 multichannel nonnegative matrix factorization, '' in Proc. IWAENC2016, pp. 1-4, Sept. 2016. [PDF]
  91. K. Ochi, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, and S. Makino, ''Multi-talker speech recognition based on blind source separation with ad hoc microphone array using smartphones and cloud storage, '' in Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp. 3369-3373, Sept. 2016. [PDF]
  92. H. Saruwatari, K. Takata, N. Ono, and S. Makino, ''Flexible microphone array based on multichannel nonnegative matrix factorization and statistical signal estimation, '' Invited in International Congress on Acoustics, pp. 1-10, Sept. 2016. [PDF]
  93. G. Takahashi, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and N. Ono, ''Acoustic scene classification using deep neural network and frame-concatenated acoustic feature, '' in Proc. Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events, pp. 1-2, Sept. 2016. [PDF]
  94. T. Toyoda, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Vehicle counting and lane estimation with ad-hoc microphone array in real road environments, '' in Proc. International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp. 622-625, Mar. 2016. [PDF]
  95. Y. Murase, H. Chiba, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Diffuse noise suppression with asynchronous microphone array based on amplitude additivity model, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 599-603, Dec. 2015. [PDF]
  96. C. Nakaizumi, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Variable sound elevation features for head-related impulse response spatial auditory BCI, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1094-1099, Dec. 2015. [PDF]
  97. D. Aminaka, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''SVM classification study of code-modulated visual evoked potentials, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1065-1070, Dec. 2015. [PDF]
  98. H. Yajima, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Fingertip stimulus cue-based tactile brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. APSIPA, pp. 1059-1064, Dec. 2015. [PDF]
  99. D. Aminaka, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''EEG filtering optimization for code-modulated chromatic visual evoked potential-based brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. International Symbiotic Workshop (SYMBIOTIC), pp. 1-7, Oct. 2015. [PDF]
  100. S. Miyabe, N. Ono, and S. Makino, ''Estimating correlation coefficient between two complex signals without phase observation, '' in Proc. LVA/ICA, pp. 421-428, Aug. 2015. [PDF]
  101. D. Aminaka, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Classification accuracy improvement of chromatic and high-frequency code-modulated visual evoked potential-based BCI, '' in Proc. International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health (BIH), pp. 232-241, Aug. 2015. [PDF]
  102. C. Nakaizumi, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Head-related impulse response cues for spatial auditory brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), pp. 1071-1074, Aug. 2015. [PDF]
  103. D. Aminaka, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Chromatic and high-frequency cVEP-based BCI paradigm, '' in Proc. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), pp. 1906-1909, Aug. 2015. [PDF]
  104. K. Shimizu, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Inter-stimulus interval study for the tactile point-pressure brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), pp. 1910-1913, Aug. 2015. [PDF]
  105. C. Nakaizumi, T. Matsui, K. Mori, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Spatial auditory brain-computer interface using head related impulse response, '' in Proc. AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology, pp. 37-38, Feb. 2015. [PDF]
  106. H. Yajima, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Multi-command tactile brain-computer interface using the touch-sense glove, '' in Proc. AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology, pp. 43-44, Feb. 2015. [PDF]
  107. D. Aminaka, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''SSVEP brain-computer interface using green and blue lights, '' in Proc. AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology, pp. 39-40, Feb. 2015. [PDF]
  108. T. Kodama, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Spatial tactile brain-computer interface by applying vibration to user's shoulders and waist, '' in Proc. AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology, pp. 41-42, Feb. 2015. [PDF] Award
  109. K. Shimizu, H. Mori, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Tactile pin-pressure brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology, pp. 35-36, Feb. 2015. [PDF]
  110. Y. Murase, H. Chiba, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''On microphone arrangement for multichannel speech enhancement based on nonnegative matrix factorization in time-channel domain, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA, FA1-1-3, pp. 1-5, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
  111. X. Zhai, Y. Sugimoto, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''TDOA estimation by mapped steered response power analysis utilizing higher-order moments, '' in Proc. APSIPA, FP-P1-3, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
  112. H. Mori, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Tactile and bone-conduction auditory brain computer interface for vision and hearing impaired users - Stimulus pattern and BCI accuracy improvement, '' in Proc. APSIPA, FP2-6-3, pp. 1-7, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
  113. D. Aminaka, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Chromatic SSVEP BCI paradigm targeting the higher frequency EEG responses, '' in Proc. APSIPA, WP2-3-2, pp. 1-7, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
  114. H. Yajima, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''P300 responses classification improvement in tactile BCI with touch-sense glove, '' in Proc. APSIPA, WP2-3-3, pp. 1-7, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
  115. H. Lu, T. Yamada, S. Imai, T. Shinozaki, R. Nisimura, K. Ishizuka, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''Automatic scoring method for open answer task in the SJ-CAT speaking test considering utterance difficulty level, '' in Proc. APSIPA, WA1-1-3, pp. 1-5, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
  116. K. Shimizu, H. Mori, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Tactile pressure brain-computer interface using point matrix pattern paradigm, '' in Proc. International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 473-477, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
  117. H. Chiba, Y. Kamamoto, T. Moriya, N. Harada, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Adaptive post-filtering controlled by pitch frequency for CELP-based speech coder, '' in Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 838-842, Nov. 2014. [PDF]
  118. K. Tsuzuki, T. Nakano, M. Goto, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Unisoner: An interactive interface for derivative chorus creation from various singing voices on the web, '' in Proc. International Computer Music Conference joint with the Sound & Music Computing conference, pp. 790-797, Sept. 2014. [PDF]
  119. C. Nakaizumi, T. Matsui, K. Mori, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Head-related impulse response-based spatial auditory brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, pp. 1-4, Sept. 2014. doi:10.3217/978-3-85125-378-8-20 [PDF]
  120. T. Kodama, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Spatial tactile brain-computer interface paradigm applying vibration stimuli to large areas of user's back, '' in Proc. International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, pp. 1-4, Sept. 2014. doi:10.3217/978-3-85125-378-8-32 [PDF]
  121. T. Toyoda, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Traffic monitoring with ad-hoc microphone array, '' in Proc. IWAENC2014, pp. 319-323, Sept. 2014. [PDF]
  122. H. Chiba, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, Y. Takahashi, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Amplitude-based speech enhancement with nonnegative matrix factorization for asynchronous distributed recording, '' in Proc. IWAENC2014, pp. 204-208, Sept. 2014. [PDF]
  123. H. Katahira, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Generalized amplitude interpolation by beta-divergence for virtual microphone array, '' in Proc. IWAENC2014, pp. 150-154, Sept. 2014. [PDF]
  124. M. Chang, K. Mori, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Spatial auditory two-step input Japanese syllabary brain-computer interface speller, '' in Proc. Innovations in Information and Communication Science and Technology, pp. 25-31, Sept. 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.11.007 [PDF] Award
  125. T. Kaniwa, H. Terasawa, M. Matsubara, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Electroencephalogram steady state response sonification focused on the spatial and temporal properties, '' in Proc. International Conference on Auditory Display, LS7-1, pp. 1-7, June 2014. [PDF]
  126. C. Nakaizumi, K. Mori, T. Matsui, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Auditory brain-computer interface paradigm with head related impulse response-based spatial cues, '' in Proc. International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, WS-MISA-01, pp. 806-811, Dec. 2013. [PDF]
  127. D. Aminaka, K. Mori, T. Matsui, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Bone-conduction-based brain computer interface paradigm - EEG signal processing, feature extraction and classification -, '' in Proc. International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, WS-MISA-03, pp. 818-824, Dec. 2013. [PDF]
  128. S. Kono, D. Aminaka, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''EEG signal processing and classification for the novel tactile-force brain-computer interface paradigm, '' in Proc. International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, WS-MISA-02, pp. 812-817, Dec. 2013. [PDF]
  129. H. Mori, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Multi-command chest tactile brain computer interface for small vehicle robot navigation, '' in Proc. International Conference on Brain and Health Informatics, pp. 469-478, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  130. R. Sakanashi, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Speech enhancement with ad-hoc microphone array using single source activity, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA2013, OS.21-SLA.7.5, pp. 1-6, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  131. J.T. Chien, H. Sawada, S. Makino, ''Adaptive processing and learning for audio source separation, '' in Proc. APSIPA2013, OS.42-SLA.13.3, pp. 1-6, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  132. N. Nishikawa, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Spatial auditory BCI paradigm based on real and virtual sound image generation, '' in Proc. APSIPA2013, OS.31-BioSiPS.2.7, pp. 1-5, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  133. Y. Matsumoto, S. Makino, K. Mori, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Classifying P300 responses to vowel stimuli for auditory brain-computer interface, '' in Proc. APSIPA2013, OS.31-BioSiPS.2.8, pp. 1-5, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  134. Z. Cai, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Spatial auditory BCI with ERP responses to front-back to the head stimuli distinction support, '' in Proc. APSIPA2013, OS.31-BioSiPS.2.1, pp. 1-8, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  135. M. Chang, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Classification improvement of P300 response based auditory spatial speller brain-computer interface paradigm, '' in Proc. TENCON2013, S.I.2.1, pp. 1-4, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  136. G. Ling, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''Performance estimation of noisy speech recognition using spectral distortion and SNR of noise-reduced speech, '' in Proc. TENCON2013, PS.I.10, pp. 1-4, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  137. S. Miyabe, N. Ono, and S. Makino, ''Optimizing frame analysis with non-integer shift for sampling mismatch compensation of long recording, '' in Proc. WASPAA2013, TM-09, pp. 1-4, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  138. Y. Sugimoto, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and F. Juang, ''Employing moments of multiple high orders for high-resolution underdetermined DOA estimation based on MUSIC, '' in Proc. WASPAA2013, PM-02, pp. 1-4, Oct. 2013. [PDF]
  139. H. Katahira, N. Ono, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Virtually increasing microphone array elements by interpolation in complex-logarithmic domain, '' Invited in Proc. EUSIPCO2013, TH-L5.3, pp. 1-5, Sept. 2013. [PDF]
  140. H. Mori, Y. Matsumoto, S. Makino, Z. Struzik, D. Mandic, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Network based complexity analysis in tactile brain computer interface task, '' in Proc. EMBC2013, M-134, pp. 1-1, July 2013. [PDF]
  141. T.M. Rutkowski, H. Mori, Y. Matsumoto, Z. Struzik, S. Makino, D. Mandic, and K. Mori, ''Spatial tactile and auditory brain computer interface based on head position stimulation, '' in Proc. Neuro2013, June 2013.
  142. M. Chang, N. Nishikawa, Z. Struzik, K. Mori, S. Makino, D. Mandic, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Comparison of P300 responses in auditory, visual and audiovisual spatial speller BCI paradigms, '' in Proc. International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting, doi:10.3217/978-3-85125-260-6-156, pp. 1-2, June 2013. [PDF]
  143. H. Mori, Y. Matsumoto, Z. Struzik, K. Mori, S. Makino, D. Mandic, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Multi-command tactile and auditory brain computer interface based on head position stimulation, '' in Proc. International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting, doi:10.3217/978-3-85125-260-6-95, pp. 1-2, June 2013. [PDF]
  144. S. Miyabe, N. Ono, and S. Makino, ''Blind compensation of inter-channel sampling frequency mismatch with maximum Likelihood estimation in STFT domain, '' in Proc. ICASSP2013, pp. 674-678, May 2013. [PDF]
  145. H. Mori, Y. Matsumoto, V. Kryssanov, E. Cooper, H. Ogawa, S. Makino, Z.R. Struzik, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Multi-command tactile brain computer interface: A feasibility study, '' in Proc. International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, pp. 50-59, Apr. 2013. [PDF]
  146. N. Nishikawa, Y. Matsumoto, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''The spatial real and virtual sound stimuli optimization for the auditory BCI, '' in Proc. APSIPA2012, OS.13-BioSPS.2.6, pp. 1-9, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  147. Y. Matsumoto, N. Nishikawa, S. Makino, T. Yamada, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Auditory steady-state response stimuli based BCI application - The optimization of the stimuli types and lengths, '' in Proc. APSIPA2012, OS.13-BioSPS.2.3, pp. 1-7, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  148. Z. Cai, S. Makino, T. Yamada, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Spatial auditory BCI paradigm utilizing N200 and P300 responses, '' in Proc. APSIPA2012, OS.6-BioSPS.1.4, pp. 1-7, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  149. T. Kaniwa, H. Terasawa, M. Matsubara, T.M. Rutkowski, and S. Makino, ''EEG steady-state synchrony patterns sonification, '' in Proc. APSIPA2012, OS.6-BioSPS.1.5, pp. 1-6, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  150. M. Matsubara, H. Terasawa, H. Kadone, K. Suzuki, and S. Makino, ''Sonification of muscular activity in human movements using the temporal patterns in EMG, '' in Proc. APSIPA2012, OS.6-BioSPS.1.2, pp. 1-5, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  151. T. Maruyama, S. Araki, T. Nakatani, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and A. Nakamura, ''New analytical calculation and estimation of TDOA for underdetermined BSS in noisy environments, '' Invited in Proc. APSIPA2012, OS.12-SLA.6.4, pp. 1-6, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  152. R. Sakanashi, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Comparison of superimposition and sparse models in blind source separation by multichannel Wiener filter, '' in Proc. APSIPA2012, OS.18-SLA.9.5, pp. 1-6, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  153. S. Miyabe, T. Hayashi, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Distance attenuation control of spherical loudspeaker array, '' in Proc. APSIPA2012, OS.15-SLA.7.2, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  154. N. Okubo, Y. Yamahata, T. Yamada, S. Imai, K. Ishizuka, T. Shinozaki, R. Nisimura, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''Automatic scoring method considering quality and content of speech for SCAT Japanese speaking test, '' in Proc. Oriental COCOSDA2012, pp. 72-77, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  155. Y. Fujita, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''Full-reference objective quality evaluation for noise-reduced speech considering effect of musical noise, '' in Proc. Oriental COCOSDA2012, pp. 300-305, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
  156. M. Chang, N. Nishikawa, Z. Cai, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Psychophysical responses comparison in spatial visual, audiovisual, and auditory BCI-spelling paradigms, '' in Proc. SCIS-ISIS2012, pp. 2154-2157, Nov. 2012. [PDF]
  157. H. Mori, Y. Matsumoto, S. Makino, V. Kryssanov, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Vibrotactile stimulus frequency optimization for the haptic BCI prototype, '' in Proc. SCIS-ISIS2012, pp.2150-2153, Nov. 2012. [PDF]
  158. Y. Sugimoto, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and F. Juang, ''Underdetermined DOA estimation by the non-linear MUSIC exploiting higher-order moments, '' in Proc. IWAENC2012, E-03, pp. 1-4, Sept. 2012. [PDF]
  159. N. Nishikawa, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Analysis of brain responses to spatial real and virtual sounds - A BCI/BMI approach, '' in Proc. International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing, BIC2012, June 2012. Award
  160. Y. Matsumoto, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Steady-state auditory responses application to BCI/BMI, '' in Proc. International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing, BIC2012, June 2012.
  161. Z. Cai, S. Makino, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Spatial auditory BCI/BMI paradigm, '' in Proc. International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing, BIC2012, June 2012.
  162. T. Maruyama, S. Araki, T. Nakatani, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and A. Nakamura, ''New analytical update rule for TDOA inference for underdetermined BSS in noisy environments, '' in Proc. ICASSP2012, pp. 269-272, Mar. 2012. [PDF]
  163. K. Takeda, H. Kameoka, H. Sawada, S. Araki, S. Miyabe, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined BSS with multichannel complex NMF assuming w-disjoint orthogonality of source, '' in Proc. IEEE TENCON2011, pp. 806-809, Nov. 2011. [PDF]
  164. S. Miura, H. Nakajima, S. Miyabe, S. Makino T. Yamada, and K. Nakadai, ''Restoration of clipped audio signal using recursive vector projection, '' in Proc. IEEE TENCON2011, pp. 787-790, Nov. 2011. [PDF]
  165. M. Katoh, Y. Sugimoto, S. Miyabe, S. Makino, T. Yamada, and N. Kitawaki, ''Visualization of conversation flow in meetings by analysis of direction of arrivals and continuousness of utterance, '' in Proc. Tunisian-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology, pp. 1-5, Nov. 2011. [PDF]
  166. T. Takaoka, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''Performance estimation of noisy speech recognition considering the accuracy of acoustic models, '' in Proc. Tunisian-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology, pp. 1-4, Nov. 2011. [PDF]
  167. E. Morishita, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''Performance estimation of noisy speech recognition based on short-term noise characteristics, '' in Proc. Tunisian-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology, pp. 1-4, Nov. 2011. [PDF]
  168. Z. Cai, H. Terasawa, S. Makino, T. Yamada, and T.M. Rutkowski, ''Spatial location and sound timbre as informative cues in auditory BCI/BMI - electrodes position optimization for brain evoked potential enhancement, '' in Proc. APSIPA2011, Wed-PM.SS4, pp. 1-6, Oct. 2011. [PDF]
  169. S. Amano, T. Yamada, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''A study on sound image control method for operational support of touch panel display, '' in Proc. APSIPA2011, Thu-PM.PS2, pp. 1-1, Oct. 2011. [PDF]
  170. H. Terasawa, Y. Takahashi, K. Hirota, T. Hamano, T. Yamada, A. Fukamizu, and S. Makino, ''C. elegans meets data sonification: Can we hear its elegant movement?, '' in Proc. Sound and Music Computing Conference, pp. 77-82, July 2011. [PDF]
  171. T. Kaniwa, S. Kim, H. Terasawa, M. Ikeda, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Towards a personalized technical ear training program: An investigation of the effect of adaptive feedback, '' in Proc. Sound and Music Computing Conference, pp. 439-443, July 2011. [PDF]
  172. K. Iso, S. Araki, S. Makino, T. Nakatani, H. Sawada, T. Yamada, and A. Nakamura, ''Blind source separation of mixed speech in a high reverberation environment, '' in Proc. HSCMA2011, pp. 36-39, May 2011. [PDF]
  173. G. Short, K. Hirose, T. Yamada, N. Minematsu, N. Kitawaki, and S. Makino, ''Mora pitch level recognition for the development of a Japanese pitch accent acquisition system, '' in Proc. Oriental COCODSA2010, pp. 1-7, Nov. 2010. [PDF]
  174. Z. Cai, N. Kitawaki, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Comparison of MOS evaluation characteristics for Chinese, Japanese, and English in IP telephony, '' in Proc. International Universal Communication Symposium, pp. 1-4, Oct. 2010. [PDF]
  175. T. Yamada, T. Nakajima, N. Kitawaki, and S. Makino, ''Performance estimation of noisy speech recognition considering recognition task complexity, '' in Proc. INTERSPEECH2010, pp. 2042-2045, Sept. 2010. [PDF]
  176. T. Yoshitome, Y. Nakajima, K. Kamikura, S. Makino and N. Kitawaki, ''A VC-1 to H.264/AVC intra transcoding using encoding information to reduce re-quantization noise, '' in Proc. International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, pp. 170-177, Aug. 2010. [PDF]
  177. T. Yoshitome, K. Kamikura, S. Makino, and N. Kitawaki, ''MPEG-2/H.264 transcoding with vector conversion reducing re-quantization noise, '' in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Computing and Communications, pp. 1-6, Aug. 2010. [PDF]
  178. Y. Ansai, S. Araki, S. Makino, T. Nakatani, T. Yamada, A. Nakamura, and N. Kitawaki, ''Cepstral smoothing of separated signals for underdetermined speech separation, '' in Proc. ISCAS2010, pp. 2506-2509, May 2010. [PDF]
  179. N. Okubo, N. Kitawaki, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''Analysis of standardized speech database by considering long-term average spectrum, '' in Proc. Tunisian-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology, pp. 1-4, Nov. 2009.
  180. C. Aoshima, N. Kitawaki, T. Yamada, and S. Makino, ''A study of artificial voices for telephonometry in the IP-based telecommunication networks, '' in Proc. Tunisian-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology, pp. 1-4, Nov. 2009.
  181. S. Araki , T. Nakatani, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Blind sparse source separation for unknown number of sources using Gaussian mixture model fitting with Dirichlet prior, '' in Proc. ICASSP2009, pp. 33-36, Apr. 2009. [PDF]
  182. S. Araki , T. Nakatani, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Stereo source separation and source counting with MAP estimation with Dirichlet prior considering spatial aliasing problem, '' in Proc. ICA2009, pp. 742-750, Mar. 2009. [PDF]
  183. T. Hager, S. Araki , K. Ishizuka, M. Fujimoto, T. Nakatani, and S. Makino, ''Handling speaker position changes in a meeting diarization system by combining DOA clustering and speaker identification, '' in Proc. IWAENC2008, P2 -12, Sept. 2008. [PDF]
  184. D. Kolossa, S. Araki , M. Delcroix, T. Nakatani, R. Orglmeister, and S. Makino, ''Missing feature speech recognition in a meeting situation with maximum SNR beamforming, '' in Proc. ISCAS2008, pp. 3218-3221, May 2008. [PDF]
  185. S. Araki, M. Fujimoto, K. Ishizuka, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''A DOA based speaker diarization system for real meetings, '' Invited in Proc. HSCMA2008, pp. 29-32, May 2008. [PDF]
  186. S. Araki, M. Fujimoto, K. Ishizuka, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Speaker indexing and speech enhancement in real meeting / conversations, '' in Proc. ICASSP2008, pp. 93-96, Apr. 2008. [PDF]
  187. H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''A two-stage frequency-domain blind source separation method for underdetermined convolutive mixtures, '' in Proc. WASPAA2007, pp. 139-142, Oct. 2007. [PDF]Google Scholar Citation: 107
  188. E. Vincent, H. Sawada, P. Bofill, S. Makino, and J. Rosca, ''First stereo audio source separation evaluation campaign: Data, algorithms and results, '' in Proc. ICA2007, pp. 552-559, Sept. 2007. [PDF]Google Scholar Citation: 292
  189. H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''MLSP 2007 data analysis competition: Frequency-domain blind source separation for convolutive mixtures of speech/audio signals, '' in Proc. MLSP2007, pp. 45-50, Aug. 2007. [PDF] Award
  190. H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Measuring dependence of bin-wise separated signals for permutation alignment in frequency-domain BSS, '' in Proc. ISCAS2007, pp. 3247-3250, May 2007. [PDF]Google Scholar Citation: 169
  191. S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Blind speech separation in a meeting situation with maximum SNR beamformers, '' in Proc. ICASSP2007, pp. I-41 - I-44, Apr. 2007.[PDF]
  192. J. Cermak, S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Blind source separation based on beamformer array and time frequency binary masking, '' in Proc. ICASSP2007, pp. I-145 - I-148, Apr. 2007. [PDF]
  193. H. Sawada, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Blind separation and localization of speeches in a meeting situation, '' in Proc. Asilomar2006, pp. 1407-1411, Oct. 2006. [PDF]
  194. D. Kolossa, H. Sawada, R. F. Astudillo, R. Orglmeister, and S. Makino, ''Recognition of convolutive speech mixtures by missing feature techniques for ICA, '' Invited in Proc. Asilomar2006, pp. 1397-1401, Oct. 2006. [PDF]
  195. J. Cermak, S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Musical noise reduction in time-frequency-binary-masking-based blind source separation systems, '' in Proc. Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing, pp. 1-6, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
  196. S. Araki, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Performance evaluation of sparse source separation and DOA estimation with observation vector clustering in reverberant environments, '' in Proc. IWAENC2006, Tue.Sep.4, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
  197. S. Araki, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Blind sparse source separation with spatially smoothed time-frequency masking, '' in Proc. IWAENC2006, Wed.Sep.9, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
  198. J. Cermak, S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Blind speech separation by combining beamformers and a time frequency binary mask, '' in Proc. IWAENC2006, Tue.Sep.5, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
  199. S. Winter, W. Kellermann, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined source separation by ICA and homomorphic signal processing, '' in Proc. IWAENC2006, Wed.Sep.8, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
  200. S. Araki, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Normalized observation vector clustering approach for sparse source separation, '' Invited in Proc. EUSIPCO2006, Wed.5.4.4, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
  201. H. Kato, Y. Nagahara, S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Parametric-Pearson-based independent component analysis for frequency-domain blind speech separation, '' in Proc. EUSIPCO2006, Tue.4.2.5, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
  202. S. Winter, W. Kellermann, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined source separation for colored sources, '' in Proc. EUSIPCO2006, Thu.3.1.6, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
  203. S. Araki, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined sparse source separation of convolutive mixtures with observation vector clustering, '' in Proc. ISCAS2006, pp. 3594-3597, May 2006. [PDF]
  204. S. Araki, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''DOA estimation for multiple sparse sources with normalized observation vector clustering, '' in Proc. ICASSP2006, pp. V-33 - V-36, May 2006. [PDF]
  205. H. Sawada, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Solving the permutation problem of frequency-domain BSS with spatial aliasing occurs with wide sensor spacing, '' in Proc. ICASSP2006, pp. V-77 - V-80, May 2006. [PDF]
  206. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Blind source separation of many signals in the frequency domain, '' Invited in Proc. ICASSP2006, pp. V-969 - V-972, May 2006. [PDF]
  207. E. Robledo-Arnuncio, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Frequency domain blind source separation of a reduced amount of data using frequency normalization, '' in Proc. ICASSP2006, pp. V-837 - V-840, May 2006. [PDF]
  208. S. Makino, ''Blind sources separations of convolutive mixtures, '' Award Speech on ICA Unsupervised Learning Pioneer Award, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, 6247-7, pp. 1-15, Apr. 2006. [PDF] Award
  209. H. Sawada, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''On calculating the inverse of separation matrix in frequency-domain blind source separation, '' Invited in Proc. ICA2006, pp. 691-699, Mar. 2006. [PDF]
  210. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Blind source separation of 3-D located many speech signals, '' in Proc. WASPAA2005, pp. 9-12, Oct. 2005. [PDF]
  211. S. Winter, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''On real and complex valued L1-norm minimization for overcomplete blind source separation, '' in Proc. WASPAA2005, pp. 86-89, Oct. 2005. [PDF]
  212. S. Araki, H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''A novel blind source separation method with observation vector clustering, '' in Proc. IWAENC2005, pp. 117-120, Sept. 2005. [PDF]
  213. F. Flego, S. Araki, H. Sawada, T. Nakatani, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined blind separation for speech in real environments with F0 adaptive comb filtering, '' in Proc. IWAENC2005, pp. 93-96, Sept. 2005. [PDF]
  214. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Real-time blind extraction of dominant target sources from many background interference sources, '' in Proc. IWAENC2005, pp. 73-76, Sept. 2005. [PDF]
  215. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Real-time blind source separation and DOA estimation using small 3-D microphone array, '' in Proc. IWAENC2005, pp. 45-48, Sept. 2005. [PDF]
  216. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Multiple source localization using independent component analysis, '' Invited in Proc. 2005 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, session 131, P3, July 2005. [PDF]
  217. H. Sawada, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Blind extraction of a dominant source from mixtures of many sources using ICA and time-frequency masking, '' in Proc. ISCAS2005, pp. 5882-5885, May 2005. [PDF]
  218. S. Araki, S. Makino, H. Sawada, and R. Mukai, ''Source extraction from speech mixtures with null-directivity pattern based mask, '' in Proc. HSCMA2005, pp. d1-d2, Mar. 2005. [PDF]
  219. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Frequency-domain blind source separation without array geometry information, '' in Proc. HSCMA2005, pp. d13-d14, Mar. 2005. [PDF]
  220. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Blind source separation and DOA estimation using small 3-D microphone array, '' in Proc. HSCMA2005 (Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays), pp. d9-d10, Mar. 2005. [PDF]
  221. S. Araki, S. Makino, H. Sawada, and R. Mukai, ''Reducing musical noise by a fine-shift overlap-add method applied to source separation using a time-frequency mask, '' in Proc. ICASSP2005, vol. III, pp. 81-84, Mar. 2005. [PDF]
  222. H. Sawada, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Blind extraction of a dominant source signal from mixtures of many sources, '' in Proc. ICASSP2005, vol. III, pp. 61-64, Mar. 2005. [PDF]
  223. S. Douglas, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''A spatio-temporal FastICA algorithm for separating convolutive mixtures, '' in Proc. ICASSP2005, vol. V, pp. 165-168, Mar. 2005. [PDF]
  224. S. Winter, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Hierarchical clustering applied to overcomplete BSS for convolutive mixtures, '' in Proc. SAPA2004 (ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing), S1.3, pp. 1-6, Oct. 2004. [PDF]
  225. S. Araki, S. Makino, H. Sawada, and R. Mukai, ''Underdetermined blind separation of convolutive mixtures of speech with directivity pattern based mask and ICA, '' in Proc. ICA2004, pp. 898-905, Sept. 2004. [PDF]
  226. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Frequency domain blind source separation for many speech signals, '' in Proc. ICA2004, pp. 461-469, Sept. 2004. [PDF]
  227. H. Sawada, S. Winter, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Estimating the number of sources for frequency-domain blind source separation, '' in Proc. ICA2004, pp. 610-617, Sept. 2004. [PDF]
  228. S. Winter, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Overcomplete BSS for convolutive mixtures based on hierarchical clustering, '' in Proc. ICA2004, pp. 652-660, Sept. 2004. [PDF]
  229. S. Douglas, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''On coefficient delay in natural gradient blind deconvolution and source separation algorithms, '' in Proc. ICA2004, pp. 634-642, Sept. 2004. [PDF]
  230. S. Araki, S. Makino, H. Sawada, and R. Mukai, ''Underdetermined blind speech separation with directivity pattern based continuous mask and ICA, '' in Proc. EUSIPCO2004, pp. 1991-1994, Sept. 2004. [PDF]
  231. S. Araki, S. Makino, A. Blin, R. Mukai, and H. Sawada, ''Underdetermined blind separation for speech in real environments with sparseness and ICA, '' Invited in Proc. ICASSP2004, vol. III, pp. 881-884, May 2004. [PDF]
  232. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Convolutive blind source separation for more than two sources in the frequency domain, '' Invited in Proc. ICASSP2004, vol. III, pp. 885-888, May 2004. [PDF]
  233. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Near-field frequency domain blind source separation for convolutive mixtures, '' in Proc. ICASSP2004, vol. IV, pp. 49-52, May 2004. [PDF]
  234. A. Blin, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''A sparseness-mixing matrix estimation (SMME) solving the underdetermined BSS for convolutive mixtures, '' in Proc. ICASSP2004, vol. IV, pp. 85- 88, May 2004. [PDF]
  235. S. Douglas, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Natural gradient multichannel blind deconvolution and source separation using causal FIR filters, '' in Proc. ICASSP2004, vol. V, pp. 477-480, May 2004. [PDF]
  236. S. Makino, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and H. Sawada, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Invited in Proc. ISCAS2004 (International Symposium on Circuits and Systems), vol. V, pp. 668-671, May 2004. [PDF]
  237. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Frequency domain blind source separation using small and large spacing sensor pairs, '' in Proc. ISCAS2004, vol. V, pp. 1-4, May 2004. [PDF]
  238. S. Araki, S. Makino, A. Blin, R. Mukai, and H. Sawada, ''Underdetermined blind separation of convolutive mixtures of speech by combining time-frequency masks and ICA, '' in Proc. ICA2004 (International Congress on Acoustics), vol. I, pp. 321-324, Apr. 2004. [PDF]
  239. A. Blin, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Underdetermined blind source separation for convolutive mixtures exploiting a sparseness-mixing matrix estimation (SMME), '' in Proc. ICA2004 (International Congress on Acoustics), vol. IV, pp. 3139-3142, Apr. 2004. [PDF]
  240. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Solving the permutation and circularity problems of frequency-domain blind source separation, '' Invited in Proc. ICA2004 (International Congress on Acoustics), vol. I, pp. 89-92, Apr. 2004. [PDF]
  241. S. Douglas, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''A causal frequency-domain implementation of a natural gradient multichannel blind deconvolution and source separation algorithm, '' Invited in Proc. ICA2004 (International Congress on Acoustics), vol. I, pp. 85-88, Apr. 2004. [PDF]
  242. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''A solution for the permutation problem in frequency domain BSS using near- and far-field models, '' in Proc. ICA2004 (International Congress on Acoustics), vol. IV, pp. 3135-3138, Apr. 2004. [PDF]
  243. S. de la Kethulle, R. Mukai, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Algorithmic complexity based blind source separation for convolutive speech mixtures, '' in Proc. ICA2004 (International Congress on Acoustics), vol. IV, pp. 3127-3130, Apr. 2004. [PDF]
  244. S. Douglas, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Natural gradient blind deconvolution and equalization using causal FIR filters, '' in Proc. Asilomar2003 (Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers), MP2-3, Nov. 2003. [PDF]
  245. S. Araki, S. Makino, A. Blin, R. Mukai, and H. Sawada, ''Blind separation of more speech than sensors with less distortion by combining sparseness and ICA, '' in Proc. IWAENC2003, pp. 271-274, Sept. 2003. [PDF] Award
  246. A. Blin, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Blind source separation when speech signals outnumber sensors using a sparseness-mixing matrix estimation (SMME), '' in Proc. IWAENC2003, pp. 211-214, Sept. 2003. [PDF]
  247. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. de la Kethulle, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Spectral smoothing for frequency-domain blind source separation, '' in Proc. IWAENC2003, pp. 311-314, Sept. 2003. [PDF]
  248. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. de la Kethulle, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Array geometry arrangement for frequency domain blind source separation, '' in Proc. IWAENC2003, pp. 219-222, Sept. 2003. [PDF]
  249. S. Winter, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Geometrical understanding of the PCA subspace method for overdetermined blind source separation, '' in Proc. IWAENC2003, pp. 231-234, Sept. 2003. [PDF]
  250. S. de la Kethulle, R. Mukai, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Blind source separation for convolutive mixtures based on complexity minimization, '' in Proc. IWAENC2003, pp. 303-306, Sept. 2003. [PDF]
  251. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Direction of arrival estimation for multiple source signals using independent component analysis, '' in Proc. ISSPA2003 (International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications), pp. 411-414, July 2003. [PDF]
  252. S. Araki, S. Makino, R. Aichner, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Subband based blind source separation for convolutive mixtures of speech, '' in Proc. ICASSP2003, vol. V, pp. 509-512, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  253. M. Knaak, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Geometrically constraint ICA for convolutive mixtures of sound, '' in Proc. ICASSP2003, vol. II, pp. 725-728, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  254. S. Winter, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Geometrical understanding of the PCA subspace method for overdetermined blind source separation, '' in Proc. ICASSP2003, vol. II, pp. 769 -772, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  255. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, '' A robust approach to the permutation problem of frequency-domain blind source separation, '' in Proc. ICASSP2003, vol. V, pp. 381-384, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  256. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Robust real-time blind source separation for moving speakers in a room, '' in Proc. ICASSP2003, vol. V, pp. 469-472, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  257. S. Araki, S. Makino, R. Aichner, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Subband based blind source separation with appropriate processing for each frequency band, '' in Proc. ICA2003, pp. 499-504, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  258. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''A robust and precise method for solving the permutation problem of frequency-domain blind source separation, '' in Proc. ICA2003, pp. 505-510, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  259. T. Nishikawa, H. Saruwatari, K. Shikano, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Multistage ICA for blind source separation of real acoustic convolutive mixture, '' in Proc. ICA2003, pp. 523-528, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  260. S. Winter, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Geometrical interpretation of the PCA subspace method for overdetermined blind source separation, '' in Proc. ICA2003, pp. 775-780, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  261. M. Knaak, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Geometrically constrained ICA for robust separation of sound mixtures, '' in Proc. ICA2003, pp. 951-956, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  262. R. Mukai, H. Sawada, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Real-time blind source separation for moving speakers using blockwise ICA and residual crosstalk subtraction, '' in Proc. ICA2003, pp. 975-980, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  263. R. Aichner, H. Buchner, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''On-line time-domain blind source separation of nonstationary convolved signals, '' in Proc. ICA2003, pp. 987-992, Apr. 2003. [PDF]
  264. S. Makino, S. Araki, R. Mukai, H. Sawada, and H. Saruwatari, ''ICA-based blind source separation of sounds, '' in Proc. JCA2002 (China-Japan Joint Conference on Acoustics), pp. 83-86, Nov. 2002. [PDF]
  265. M. Miyoshi and S. Makino, ''Digital technologies for controlling room acoustics, '' in Proc. JCA2002 (China-Japan Joint Conference on Acoustics), pp. 19-24, Nov. 2002. [PDF]
  266. S. Araki, S. Makino, R. Aichner, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Blind source separation for convolutive mixtures of speech using subband processing, '' in Proc. SMMSP2002 (International Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing), pp. 195-202, Sept. 2002. [PDF]
  267. R. Mukai, S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Removal of residual cross-talk components in blind source separation using LMS filters, '' in Proc. NNSP2002, pp. 435-444, Sept. 2002. [PDF]
  268. H. Sawada, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Blind source separation with different sensor spacing and filter length for each frequency range, '' in Proc. NNSP2002, pp. 465-474, Sept. 2002. [PDF]
  269. R. Aichner, S. Araki, S. Makino, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Time domain blind source separation of non-stationary convolved signals by utilizing geometric beamforming, '' in Proc. NNSP2002 (IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing), pp. 445-454, Sept. 2002. [PDF]
  270. S. Araki, S. Makino, R. Mukai, Y. Hinamoto, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Equivalence between frequency domain blind source separation and frequency domain adaptive beamforming, '' in Proc. ICASSP2002, vol. II, pp. 1785-1788, May 2002. [PDF]
  271. R. Mukai, S. Araki, H. Sawada, and S. Makino, ''Removal of residual cross-talk components in blind source separation using time-delayed spectral subtraction, '' in Proc. ICASSP2002, vol. II, pp. 1789-1792, May 2002. [PDF]
  272. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Polar coordinate based nonlinear function for frequency-domain blind source separation, '' in Proc. ICASSP2002, vol. I, pp. 1001-1004, May 2002. [PDF]
  273. S. Emura, Y. Haneda, and S. Makino, ''Enhanced frequency-domain adaptive algorithm for stereo echo cancellation, '' in Proc. ICASSP2002, vol. II, pp. 1901-1904, May 2002. [PDF]
  274. Y. Hinamoto, T. Nishikawa, H. Saruwatari, S. Araki, S. Makino, and R. Mukai, ''Equivalence between frequency domain blind source separation and adaptive beamforming, '' in Proc. ICFS2002 (International Conference of Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences), pp. 13-18, Mar. 2002. [PDF]
  275. S. Araki, S. Makino, R. Mukai, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Fundamental limitation of frequency domain blind source separation for convolved mixture of speech, '' in Proc. ICA2001 (International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation), pp. 132-137, Dec. 2001. [PDF]
  276. R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Separation and dereverberation performance of frequency domain blind source separation, '' in Proc. ICA2001, pp. 230-235, Dec. 2001. [PDF]
  277. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''A polar-coordinate based activation function for frequency domain blind source separation, '' in Proc. ICA2001, p. 663-668, Dec. 2001. [PDF]
  278. R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Separation and dereverberation performance of frequency domain blind source separation in a reverberant environment, '' in Proc. IWAENC2001, pp. 127-130, Sept. 2001. [PDF]
  279. S. Emura, Y. Haneda, and S. Makino, '' Adaptive filtering algorithm enhancing decorrelated additive signals for stereo echo cancellation, '' in Proc. IWAENC2001, pp. 67-70, Sept. 2001. [PDF]
  280. S. Araki, S. Makino, R. Mukai, and H. Saruwatari, ''Equivalence between frequency domain blind source separation and frequency domain adaptive null beamformers, '' in Proc. Eurospeech2001, pp. 2595-2598, Sept. 2001. [PDF]
  281. R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Separation and dereverberation performance of frequency domain blind source separation for speech in a reverberant environment, '' in Proc. Eurospeech2001 (European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology), pp. 2599-2602, Sept. 2001. [PDF]
  282. S. Araki, S. Makino, R. Mukai, and H. Saruwatari, ''Equivalence between frequency domain blind source separation and frequency domain adaptive beamformers, '' in Proc. CRAC (A workshop on Consistent and Reliable acoustic cues for sound analysis), S2.4, Sept. 2001. [PDF]
  283. S. Araki, S. Makino, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Fundamental limitation of frequency domain blind source separation for convolutive mixture of speech, '' in Proc. ICASSP2001, pp. 2737-2740, May 2001. [PDF]
  284. S. Araki, S. Makino, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, ''Limitation of frequency domain blind source separation for convolutive mixture of speech, '' in Proc. HSC2001 (International Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication), pp. 91-94, Apr. 2001. [PDF]
  285. A. Nakagawa, S. Shimauchi, Y. Haneda, S. Aoki, and S. Makino, ''Channel-number-compressed multi-channel acoustic echo canceller for high-presence teleconferencing system with large display, '' in Proc. ICASSP2000, pp. 813-816, June 2000. [PDF]
  286. S. Makino and S. Shimauchi, ''Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation - an overview and recent solutions -, '' in Proc IWAENC99, pp. 12-19, Sept. 1999. [PDF]
  287. S. Shimauchi, A. Nakagawa, Y. Haneda, and S. Makino, ''Hybrid of acoustic echo cancellers and voice switching control for multi-channel applications, '' in Proc. IWAENC99, pp. 48-51, Sept. 1999. [PDF]
  288. A. Nakagawa, S. Shimauchi, S. Aoki, S. Makino, and Y. Kaneda, ''A study of multi-microphone system for hands-free teleconferencing units, '' in Proc. IWAENC99, pp. 104-107, Sept. 1999. [PDF]
  289. S. Shimauchi, S. Makino, Y. Haneda, A. Nakagawa, and S. Sakauchi, ''A stereo echo canceller implemented using a stereo shaker and a duo-filter control system, '' in Proc. ICASSP99, pp. 857-860, Mar. 1999. [PDF] Award
  290. S. Shimauchi, Y. Haneda, S. Makino, and Y. Kaneda, ''New configuration for a stereo echo canceller with nonlinear pre-processing, '' in Proc. ICASSP98, pp. 3685-3688, May 1998. [PDF]
  291. S. Sakauchi, Y. Haneda, and S. Makino, ''Subjective assessment of echo return loss required for subband acoustic echo cancellers, '' in Proc. IWAENC97, pp. 152-155, Sept. 1997. [PDF]
  292. A. Nakagawa, Y. Haneda, and S. Makino, ''Subband acoustic echo canceller using two different analysis filters and 8th order projection algorithm, '' in Proc. IWAENC97, pp. 140-143, Sept. 1997. [PDF]
  293. S. Makino, K. Strauss, S. Shimauchi, Y. Haneda, and A. Nakagawa, ''Subband stereo echo canceller using the projection algorithm with fast convergence to the true echo path, '' in Proc. ICASSP97, pp. 299-302, Apr. 1997. [PDF]
  294. J. Sasaki, Y. Haneda, and S. Makino, ''Noise reduction for subband acoustic echo canceller, '' in Proc. Joint meeting, Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, pp. 1285-1290, Dec. 1996. [PDF]
  295. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, J. Kojima, and S. Shimauchi, ''Implementation and evaluation of an acoustic echo canceller using duo-filter control system, '' in Proc. EUSIPCO96 (European Signal Processing Conference), pp. 1115-1118, Sept. 1996. [PDF]
  296. S. Makino, J. Noebauer, Y. Haneda, and A. Nakagawa, ''SSB subband echo canceller using low-order projection algorithm, '' in Proc. ICASSP96, pp. 945-948, May 1996. [PDF]
  297. S. Shimauchi and S. Makino, ''Stereo echo cancellation algorithm using imaginary input-output relationships, '' in Proc. ICASSP96, pp. 941-944, May 1996. [PDF]
  298. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, J. Kojima, and S. Shimauchi, ''Implementation and evaluation of an acoustic echo canceller using the duo-filter control system, '' in Proc. IWAENC95, pp. 79-82, June 1995. [PDF]
  299. S. Makino, ''Relationship between the 'ES family' algorithms and conventional adaptive algorithms, '' in Proc. IWAENC95, pp. 11-14, June 1995. [PDF]
  300. S. Shimauchi and S. Makino, ''Stereo projection echo canceller with true echo path estimation, '' in Proc. ICASSP95, pp. 3059-3062, May 1995. [PDF]Google Scholar Citation: 142
  301. M. Tanaka, Y. Kaneda, S. Makino, and J. Kojima, ''Fast projection algorithm and its step size control, '' in Proc. ICASSP95, pp. 945-948, May 1995. [PDF]Google Scholar Citation: 117
  302. S. Makino and Y. Kaneda, ''A new RLS algorithm based on the variation characteristics of a room impulse response, '' in Proc. ICASSP94, vol. III, pp. 373-376, Apr. 1994. [PDF]
  303. S. Makino and Y. Kaneda, ''Exponentially weighted step-size projection algorithm for acoustic echo cancellers, '' in Proc. IWAENC93, pp. 27-38, Sept. 1993. [PDF]
  304. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, and Y. Kaneda, ''Modeling of a room transfer function using common acoustical poles, '' in Proc. ICASSP92, vol. II, pp. 213-216, Mar. 1992. [PDF]
  305. S. Makino and Y. Haneda, ''Subband echo canceller with an exponentially weighted step size NLMS adaptive filter, '' in Proc. IWAENC91 (International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control), pp. 109-120, Sept. 1991. [PDF]
  306. S. Makino and Y. Kaneda, ''Acoustic echo canceller algorithm based on the variation characteristics of a room impulse response, '' in Proc. ICASSP90 (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing), pp. 1133-1136, Apr. 1990. [PDF]
  307. S. Makino and N. Koizumi, ''Acoustic echo canceller algorithm based on room acoustic characteristics, '' in Proc. WASPAA89 (IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics), S1.1, Oct. 1989. [PDF]

<International Patents>

  1. H. Sawada, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and S. Makino, ''Signal separating apparatus, signal separating method, signal separating program and recording medium, '' US Patent 7,647,209, January 12, 2010, European Patent 1,752,969, Mar. 5, 2014, Chinese Patent, PCT/JP2006/302092, filing, Feb. 2006.
  2. S. Araki, H. Sawada, S. Makino, and R. Mukai, ''Signal separation method, signal separation device and recording medium, '' US Patent 7,496,482, February 24, 2009, European Patent 1,662,485, June 30, 2010, European Patent 2,068,308, May 25, 2011, Chinese Patent, PCT/JP2004/12629, filing, Sept. 2004.
  3. H. Sawada, R. Mukai, S. Araki, and S. Makino, ''Position information estimation device, method thereof, and program, '' US Patent 7,039,546, May 2, 2006, European Patent 1,600,789, Oct. 12, 2011, Chinese Patent, PCT/JP2004/002610, filing, Mar. 2004.
  4. S. Shimauchi, Y. Haneda, S. Makino, and Y. Kaneda, ''Method and apparatus for multi-channel acoustic echo cancellation and recording medium with the method recorded thereon, '' US Patent 6,553,122, April 22, 2003, European Patent 0,944,228, May 26, 2004.
  5. S. Makino, S. Shimauchi, Y. Haneda, A. Nakagawa, and J. Kojima, ''Subband echo cancellation method for multichannel audio teleconference and echo canceller using the same, '' US Patent 6,246,760, June 12, 2001.
  6. K. Kikuchi, S. Shimauchi, Y. Haneda, S. Makino, and J. Kojima, ''Foreground/background echo canceller, '' US Patent Appl. 08/847,044, Nov. 1998.
  7. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, A. Nakagawa, S. Shimauchi, and J. Kojima, ''Subband acoustic echo canceller, '' US Patent 5,721,772, Feb. 24, 1998, European Patent 0,769,867, June 29, 2005, German Patent DE,696,32,851,T2, June 30, 2005.
  8. S. Shimauchi, S. Makino, and J. Kojima, ''Method and apparatus for multi-channel acoustic echo cancellation, '' US Patent 5,761,318, June 2, 1998, Canadian Patent 2,186,416, Apr. 18, 2000, European Patent 0,766,446, June 2, 2004.
  9. A. Nakagawa, Y. Haneda, S. Makino, S. Shimauchi, and J. Kojima, ''Subband acoustic echo canceller, '' US Patent 5,774,561, June 30, 1998, Canadian Patent 2,183,118, Sept. 7, 1999, European Patent 0,758,830, Dec. 7, 2005.
  10. S. Makino, Y. Haneda, A. Nakagawa, M. Tanaka, S. Shimauchi, and J. Kojima, ''Subband echo cancellation method using projection algorithm, '' US Patent 5,818,945, Oct. 6, 1998, Canadian Patent 2,174,366, Mar. 27, 2001, European Patent 0,739,102, Dec. 8, 2004.
  11. S. Shimauchi, S. Makino, and J. Kojima, ''Method and apparatus for multi-channel acoustic echo cancellation, '' US Patent 5,661,813, Aug. 26, 1997, Canadian Patent 2,161,358, Sept. 28, 1999, European Patent 0,709,999, June 16, 2004. Google Scholar Citation: 107
  12. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, M. Tanaka, and Y. Kaneda, ''Echo cancelling method and apparatus using fast projection scheme, '' US Patent 5,539,731, July 23, 1996, Canadian Patent 2,142,147, Dec. 12, 2000, European Patent 0,667,700, Dec. 29, 2004.
  13. M. Tanaka, Y. Kaneda, S. Makino, Y. Haneda, and J. Kojima, ''Adaptive transfer function estimating method and estimating device using the same, '' US patent 5,602,765, Feb. 11, 1997, Canadian Patent 2,128,666, Sept. 5, 2000, European Patent 0,637,803, Nov. 28, 2001.
  14. S. Makino and Y. Kaneda, ''Echo cancelling method and echo canceller using the same, '' US Patent 5,408,530, Apr. 18, 1995.
  15. Y. Haneda, S. Makino, and Y. Kaneda, ''Acoustic transfer function simulating method and simulator using the same, '' US Patent 5,187,692, Feb. 16, 1993, European Patent 0,505,949, Dec. 18, 1996.
  16. S. Makino, Y. Haneda, and Y. Kaneda, ''Subband echo canceller with adjustable coefficients using a series of step sizes, '' US Patent 5,272,695, Dec. 21, 1993.

<Invited Talks>

  1. S. Makino, Invited Talk at The New Zealand/Japan Joint Research Meeting on Psychological & Physiological Acoustics and Electroacoustics, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov. 2017.
  2. S. Makino, Invited Talk at National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct. 2013.
  3. J. Liu and S. Makino, ''Advanced biological signal processing of human communications for healthcare engineering, '' Tutorial Talk at the 2013 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, July 2013.
  4. S. Makino, Invited Talk at INRIA, Rennes, France, Nov. 2011.
  5. S. Makino, Invited Talk at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China, Oct. 2011.
  6. S. Makino, Invited Talk at Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China, Oct. 2011.
  7. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Kansai Chapter, Invited Talk at Kansai University, Sept. 2011.
  8. S. Makino and H. Sawada, ''Blind speech separation based on independent component analysis and sparse component analysis, '' Tutorial Talk at the 2011 Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Florence, Italy, Aug. 2011.
  9. S. Makino, Invited Talk at University of Trento, Trento, Italy, Aug. 2011.
  10. S. Makino, Invited Talk at University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, June 2011.
  11. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at the University of Tsukuba, Dec. 2010.
  12. S. Makino, ''Blind audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Plenary Talk at the 2010 IEEE Signal Processing Symposium, Image and Vision, Bogota, Colombia, Sept. 2010.
  13. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, July 2010.
  14. S. Makino, ''On the use of acoustic arrays in blind separation of convolutive mixtures, '' Plenary Talk at the IEEE Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Channel Sensor Array Processing, Aruba, Dutch Antilles, Dec. 2009.
  15. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, Nov. 2009.
  16. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at National University of Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 2009.
  17. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at Southern Taiwan University, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 2009.
  18. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 2009.
  19. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at Siemens Audiology, Erlangen, Germany, Feb. 2009.
  20. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Feb. 2009.
  21. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, Feb. 2009.
  22. S. Makino, IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture Talk, Invited Talk at Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Erlangen, Germany, Jan. 2009.
  23. S. Makino, IEICE Fellow Talk, Invited Talk at IEICE Technical Report EA2008-17, pp. 65-73, May 2008 (in Japanese).
  24. S. Makino, H. Sawada, and S. Araki, ''Blind audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Keynote Talk at the 2007 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation, London, UK, Sept. 2007.
  25. S. Makino and H. Sawada, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Tutorial Talk at the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii, Apr. 2007.
  26. S. Makino, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Invited Talk at Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Speech Science and Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 2007.
  27. S. Makino, ''Blind sources separation of convolutive mixtures, '' Invited Talk at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, Aug. 2006.
  28. S. Makino and H. Szu, ''Real world solutions by blind sources separations & ICA, '' Short Course on Signal and Image Processing, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, SC715, Orlando, FL, Apr. 2006.
  29. S. Makino, S. Araki, R. Mukai, H. Sawada, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Invited Talk at SICE Chugoku Branch, pp. 2-9, Nov. 2005 (in Japanese).
  30. S. Makino, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Invited Talk at Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Feb. 2004 (in Japanese).
  31. S. Makino, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Invited Talk at IEICE Tokai Section, Jan. 2004 (in Japanese).
  32. S. Makino, S. Araki, R. Mukai, and H. Sawada, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Keynote Talk at 21COE Program in Information, Electrics, and Electronics at Hokkaido University, Nov. 2003.
  33. S. Makino, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Tutorial Talk at Digital Signal Processing Symposium, Nov. 2003 (in Japanese).
  34. S. Makino, S. Araki, R. Mukai, H. Sawada, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Invited Talk at IEICE Technical Report EA2003-45, pp. 17-24, June 2003 (in Japanese).
  35. S. Makino, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Invited Talk at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Jan. 2003 (in Japanese).
  36. S. Makino, ''Audio source separation based on independent component analysis, '' Tutorial Talk at NTT Communication Science Laboratories Open House, June 2002 (in Japanese).
  37. S. Makino, S. Araki, R. Mukai, H. Sawada, R. Aichner, H. Saruwatari, T. Nishikawa, and Y. Hinamoto, '' ICA-based sound separation, '' Tutorial Talk at NTT Workshop on Communication Scene Analysis, Jan. 2002.
  38. S. Makino, ''State-of-the-art technology on acoustics, ''Tutorial Talk at ASJ 21st Century Lecture on Acoustics, Aug. 2001 (in Japanese).
  39. S. Makino, ''Digital signal processing in echo cancellation, '' Invited Talk at IEICE Tokai Section, Feb. 2001 (in Japanese).
  40. S. Makino and S. Shimauchi, ''Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation - an overview and recent solutions -, '' Plenary Talk at IWAENC99 (International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control), Pocono Manor, PA, Sept. 1999.
  41. S. Makino, ''NTT's R&D toward the multimedia era, ''Short Course at ITB (Institute Technology Bandung, Indonesia) Multimedia Short Course, Bandung, Indonesia, Dec.1998.
  42. S. Makino, ''State-of-the-art technology on multimedia, '' Tutorial Talk at Miyazaki Media Society, Dec. 1997 (in Japanese).
  43. S. Makino, ''State-of-the-art technology on multimedia, '' Tutorial Talk at Suzuka Training Center, Apr. 1997 (in Japanese).

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