Last update: 2024/6/6
<Personal Info>
牧野 昭二
〒808-0135 福岡県北九州市若松区ひびきの2-7
Tel: 093-692-5347
E-mail: [email protected]
マルチメディア研究室 [パンフレット, ブレインマシンインタフェース, 可聴化]
Google Scholar Citation: 12,527
h-index: 55
2024/ 1/ 1 IEEE Signal Processing Society の Nominations and Appointments Committee に選出されました.
2022/ 6/ 9 電子情報通信学会 名誉員 を受賞しました.
2022/01/01 IEEE Signal Processing Society Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award を受賞しました.
2018/10/ 9 服部報公会 報公賞 を受賞しました.
2018/ 6/ 7 電子情報通信学会 功績賞 を受賞しました.
2018/ 1/ 1 IEEE Signal Processing Society の Board of Governors に選出されました.
2018/ 1/ 1 IEEE Signal Processing Society の Fellow Evaluation Committee に選出されました.
2017/ 6/ 1 電子情報通信学会 業績賞 を受賞しました.
2015/10/ 1 IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal の審査委員に選出されました.
2015/ 4/21 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award を受賞しました.
2015/ 4/15 文部科学大臣表彰 (科学技術賞 研究部門)を受賞しました.
2013/ 1/ 1 IEEE Signal Processing Society, Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee の Chair に選出されました.
2012/ 6/27 総務省 戦略的情報通信研究開発推進制度 SCOPEに採択されました.
2011/ 4/30 IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award の審査委員を務めました.
2010/12/31 IEEE Signal Processing Society のDistinguished Lecturer を務めました.
![]() Shoji Makino was born in Nikko, Japan, on June 4, 1956. He received his B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 1979, 1981, and 1993, respectively. He joined the Electrical Communication Laboratory of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan in 1981. He was a Guest Professor at Hokkaido University, Japan (2004-08) and University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (2008-09). He joined University of Tsukuba, Japan in 2009. He was also a Visiting Researcher at the Riken Brain Science Institute, Japan (2013-17) and a Guest Professor at National Institute of Informatics, Japan (2014-17). He is now a professor at Waseda University, Japan (2021-). His research interests include adaptive filtering technologies, realization of acoustic echo cancellation, blind source separation of convolutive mixtures of speech, and acoustic signal processing for speech and audio applications. He received the IEEE Signal Processing Society Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award in 2022, the ICA Unsupervised Learning Pioneer Award in 2006, the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award in 2014, the IEEE MLSP Competition Award in 2007, the Achievement Award for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2015, the Hoko Award of the Hattori Hokokai Foundation in 2018, the Honorary Member Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers in 2022, the Distinguished Contributions Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers in 2018, the Technical Achievement Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers in 2017 and 1997, and the Outstanding Technological Development Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan in 1995, the Paper Award of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers in 2005 and 2002, the Paper Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan in 2005 and 2002, the TELECOM System Technology Award of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation in 2015 and 2004, the Best Paper Award of the International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control in 2003, and the Best Presentation Award at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium in 2006. He also received the IEEE Signal Processing Society Outstanding Service Award in 2014, IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter Leadership Award in 2018, and IEEE Signal Processing Society Notable Services and Contributions Award in 2019. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 articles in journals and conference proceedings and is responsible for more than 150 patents. He is a Keynote Speaker at ICA2007, Plenary Speaker at CAMSAP2009, SPSIV2010, and IWAENC1999, a Tutorial speaker at EMBC2013, INTERSPEECH2011, and ICASSP2007, and a Panelist at HSCMA2008 and HSCMA2005. He has served on IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors (2018-20), Technical Directions Board (2013-14), Awards Board (2006-08), Conference Board (2002-04), TC Review Committee (2019-20), Long-Range Planning and Implementation Committee (2018-20), Nominations and Appointments Committee (2024-25), and Fellow Evaluation Committee (2018-20). He was a member of the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal Committee (2015-18) and the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award Committee (2008-11). He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing (2002-05) and an Associate Editor of the EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (2005-12). He was a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2013-15), a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (2011-2012), a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (2005-07), a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I (2008-10), and a Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Computers (2006-07). He was the Chair of the Technical Committee on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2013-14) and the Chair of the Technical Committee on Blind Signal Processing of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2009-2010). He was the Chair of the Fellow Subcommittee (2012-2017) and the Chair of the Nominations and Elections Subcommittee (2016-2017) of the AASP TC of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He is also a member of the Special Area Team on Acoustic, Speech and Music Signal Processing of the EURASIP (2019-), a member of the Awards Subcommittee of the Special Area Team on Acoustic, Speech and Music Signal Processing of the EURASIP (2021-). He is a Member of the Board of Governors (2023-), a Member of the Institutional Relations and Education Board (2023-), a member of the Technical Committee on Speech, Language, and Audio (2010-16), and Signal and Information Processing Theory and Methods (2018-) of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association. He is a member of the International IWAENC Standing committee and a member of the International ICA Steering Committee. He was the Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter (2017-18). He was the President of the Acoustics and Ultrasonics Subsociety of the Engineering Sciences Society of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2007-2008), the Vice President of the Engineering Sciences Society of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2007-08), and the Chair of the Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (2006-08). He was the Chief Guest Editor (2007-2009 and 2006-2008) and a Guest Editor (2002-2003 and 1990-1992) of the Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers. He was the Chair of the Publication Board (2013-14), a Member of the Board of Directors (2005-06), a Member of the Conference Board (1995-1997), and an Associate Editor (2001-2005) of the Acoustical Society of Japan. He was the General Chair of the 2018 International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, the General Chair of the 2007 IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, the General Chair of the 2003 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, the Organizing Chair of the 2003 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, the Co-Organizer of the 2008 Workshop on Statistical and Perceptual Audition, the Plenary Chair of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, the Program Chair of the 2004 Workshop on Communication Scene Analysis, the Program Committee Chair of the 2006 International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, the Technical Co-Chair of the 2008 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, the Special Sessions Chair of the 2015 International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. He has served on the Organizing Committee of IWAENC2022, WASPAA2021, GlobalSIP Symposia2014, WASPAA2009, SAPA2008, ASA/ASJ Joint Meeting 2006, WASPAA2005, JCA2002. He was the Special Session Organizer at APSIPA2021, EUSIPCO2021, APSIPA2020, EUSIPCO2020, APSIPA2019, EUSIPCO2019, APSIPA2018, EUSIPCO2018, APSIPA2017, EUSIPCO2017, APSIPA2016, APSIPA2015, EUSIPCO2015, APSIPA2014, APSIPA2013, EUSIPCO2013, APSIPA2012, HSCMA2008, ISCAS2007, ASA/ASJ Joint Meeting 2006, Asilomar2006, EUSIPCO2006, ICASSP2006, ICA2006, ICASSP2004, ICA (International Congress on Acoustics) 2004. He has served on the Technical Program Committee of EUSIPCO2021 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2020 (Area Chair), CAMSAP2019, EUSIPCO2019 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2018 (Area Chair), ICASSP2018 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2017 (Area Chair), ICASSP2017 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2016, ICASSP2016 (Area Chair), IWAENC2016, WASPAA2015, EUSIPCO2015 (Area Chair), ICASSP2015 (Area Chair), EUSIPCO2014 (Area Chair), ICASSP2014 (Area Chair), IWAENC2014, HSCMA2014, EUSIPCO2013 (Area Chair), ICASSP2013 (Area Chair), IWAENC2012, HSCMA2011, EUSIPCO2011, APSIPA2010, IWAENC2010, ISCAS2010 (Track Chair), EUSIPCO2009, ISCAS2009 (Track Chair), ISCAS2008, IWAENC2008, ISCAS2007, ASA/ASJ Joint Meeting 2006, EUSIPCO2006, IWAENC2006, ISCAS2006, ICA2006, IWAENC2005, ISCAS2005, ICA (International Congress on Acoustics) 2004, SAPA2004, NNSP2003, WASPAA2003, NNSP2002, IWAENC2001, IWAENC1999. Dr. Makino is an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer (2009-10), an IEEE Life Fellow, an IEICE Fellow, a Board member of the ASJ, and a member of EURASIP and ISCA. |
1993: Ph. D., Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
1981: M. E., Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
1979: B. E., Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
2021 Professor at Waseda University, Japan.
2009-2021 Professor at the University of Tsukuba, Japan.
2014-2017 Guest Professor at National Institute of Informatics, Japan
2013-2017 Visiting Researcher at the Riken Brain Science Institute, Japan
2008-2009 Guest Professor at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
2008-2009 Senior Research Scientist, Supervisor at the NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan.
2006-2007 Part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Japan.
2004-2008 Guest Professor at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
2004-2007 Part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of Technology, Japan.
2003-2008 Executive Manager at the Media Information Laboratory of the NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan.
2000-2003 Senior Research Scientist, Supervisor, Group Leader at the Speech Open Laboratory of the NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan.
1999-2000 Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor, Group Leader at the Multimedia Electronics Laboratory of the NTT Lifestyle and Environmental Technology Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan.
1996-1998 Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor at the Strategic Planning of the NTT Multi-Media System Laboratory Group, Yokosuka, Japan.
1987-1996 Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor at the Speech and Acoustics Laboratory of the NTT Human Interface Laboratories, Musashino, Japan.
1981-1987 Research Engineer at the NTT Electrical Communication Laboratory, Yokosuka, Japan.
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趣味はスキー(in NAGANO)